In the number 4.98, what place value is the digit 8 in?
What is the hundredths place
Write three and fifty-six hundredths in standard form.
What is 3.56
What is 87 x 16
What is 1,392
Add: 3.28 + 4.5
What is 7.75
Divide 628 ÷ 3. Write the remainder as a fraction.
What is 209 1/3
What is the value of the digit 5 in the number 3.025
What is the thousandths place
Write six and thirty-five hundredths in standard form
What is 6.35
What is 135 x 43
What is 5,805
Subtract: 9.83 - 2.6
What is 7.23
Divide: 4.8 ÷ 0.2
What is 24
If you round 0.478 to the nearest hundredth, what is the result?
What is 0.48
Write one hundred and nine thousandths in standard form.
Multiply 6.9 x 3.7
What is 25.53
Add: 1/4 + 1/3
What is 7/12
Divide 5.76 ÷ 1.2
What is 4.8
If you round 1.958 to the nearest tenths
Write fourteen and one hundred twenty-five thousandths in standard form.
What is 14.125
What is 5.89 x 1.7
What is 10.013
Subtract 5/7 - 1/3
What is 8/21
Divide: 1/9 ÷ 4
What is 1/36
Order these decimals from greatest to least: 0.82, 0.805, 0.875, 0.8.
What is 0.875, 0.82, 0.805, 0.8
Write thirty-four and two hundred seventy-five thousandths in standard form.
What is 34.275
Find the product 3/7 x 6/9
A runner jogged 3.75 miles in the morning and 4.8 miles in the evening. How many miles did they run in total?
What is 8.55 miles
A baker has 3/4 of a pound of flour and wants to divide it into 1/8-pound portions. How many portions can he make?
What is 6 portions