What Valentine's day character carries a bow and arrow?
To tie the knot
Get married
What day is Groundhog's day?
February 2nd
Is the following an appropriate compliement: "You are a good friend"
You are going to the store to buy a valentine for your mom, but you do not know where the card isle is. What can you do?
Find a store employee and politely ask them.
What is the most popular Valentine's Chocolate Flavor?
Head over heals
Very in love
Where does the Groundhog's Day celebration take place?
Is the following a good compliement: "You are pretty good at math, but Jeremy is better."
No. Why?
You are celebrating valentine's day with your friends. You and 4 other friends decide to go to get pizza at a restaurant. After you eat, you realize you left your wallet at home. What do you do?
What type of flower accounts for nealry 50% of all flower sales on valentine's day?
Puppy love
When young people are in love/ have crushes on one another
What happens if the grounghog sees his shadow?
6 more weeks of winter
You see your best friend in the hallway and you really like his shirt. It has sonic the hedgehog on it and that is your favorite character. What can you say to complement him?
(lets discuss!)
You are going to the movie theater for a Valentine's day date. The person next you is talking loudly and using their cell phone during the movie. Is this appropriate or not?
It is not. Why? What could you do to solve this issue?
Who receives the most Valentines every year?
Teachers receive the most valentines on average!
An old flame
An ex boyfriend or girlfriend
What is the name of the groundhog people go to see on groundhogs day?
A girl at your school gave you a compliment by saying she likes your new hoodie. What would be an appropriate way to respond?
You go on a Valentine's day date to the ice cream shoppe. You order strawberry ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. The employee gives you vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles.
What can you do in this situation to solve the issue?
Who purchases more Valentines: Men or Women?
Wear your heart on your sleeve
To express/show emotions in front of others
What percentage of times did the groundhog see his shadow?
What is the purpose of complimenting someone?
To make them feel nice about themselves, to be positive, and/or to let them know you like or admire something that they have/do.
BONUS QUESTION: Who is the most "loveable" person at Rainbow Omega?