Heart Health Month
CNN 10
Black History Month
Current Events

What color shirt is a symbol of supporting American Heart Health Month on Fridays? 

Multiple Choice

A. Pink

B. Magenta

C. Red

D. Orange


According to CNN10 video, on Feb 6, 1952 Queen ____________________  ascended to the throne?

Multiple Choice

A. Elizabeth

B. Diana

C. Victoria

D. Marie-Antoinette 


Why was Black History Month placed in February? _______________________________________

Fill in the blank

It was the same month of the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglass.


There is very high tension between these 2 countries. A fear of an all out war is growing closer to becoming a reality. The West and Japan are trying to calm the issue down. What are the 2 countries? _________________________________________

Multiple Choice

A. Russia and Ukraine 

B. Russia and USA

C. Ukraine and North Korea

D. USA and Ukraine

E. Russia and North Korea


Currently our boys basketball team here at IMS is undefeated and in the playoffs. Prior to today's game (2-23-22) what is their record? ________

Fill in the blank



One of the easiest way to improve Heart Health is walking for how long each day?

Multiple Choice

A. 10 minutes a day

B. 20 minutes a day

C. 30 minutes or more a day

D. Walking doesn't help heart health


According to CNN 10, which of these countries produces the most avocados?


Fill in the blank



Who made history with the first rap song to win Grammy Awards for Song and Record of the Year in 2019? ___________________________________

Fill in the blank

Childish Gambino - This is America


Recently, Neil Young demanded his music be removed from Spotify to protest COVID misinformation being spread by who? They are the platform’s most popular podcast host

Multiple Choice

A. Howard Stern

B. Joe Rogan

C. Ira Glass 

D. Donald Trump


The week of February 22nd thru the 25th here at IMS, we are celebrating _________________ week with multiple events such as IMS Book Design Contest, Hat's off to..., Snuggle up with a good ......, and ...... ties us together day. 

Fill in the blank

Literacy (week)


Improving your heart health leads to improvement directly to what type of health? Answer the BEST possible answer. All are impacted at some point but 1 is right away.

Multiple Choice

A. Physical/Cardiovascular Health 

B. Mental Health

C. Spiritual Health

D. Social Health


According to CNN 10, Canadian Olivier Rioux is the tallest teenager on Earth by Guinness World Records at 7 foot 5 inch's. He plays basketball for Crestwood Prep in Ontario, Canada?

True or False



 _______________, who became the first female African-American astronaut to travel to space in 1992

Fill in the blank

 Mae Jemison


Beginning in 2024, the SAT will ____________  amid questions about whether college admissions tests are fair, or even necessary.

Multiple Choice

A. go completely digital

B. add a logic section 

C. be eliminated

D. permit student collaboration 


What travel guide did African American's use, with publishing between 1936-1966? The __________ book

Fill in the blank



Walking for 30 minutes or more a day can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke by ____% and type 2 diabetes by _____%?

Multiple Choice

A. 100% Completely remove chances of all of them. 

B. 90% and 75%

C. 10% and 15%

D. 35% and 40%


According to CNN 10, Norway dominated the Winter Olympics that just ended in Beijing, China. They won the most medals from any country. How many medals did they win? _________

Multiple Choice

A: 27

B: 37

C: 47

D: 17


The week-long event officially became Black History Month in 1976 when U.S. president ________________ extended the recognition to “honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.” Black History Month has been celebrated in the United States every February since.

Fill in the blank

Gerald Ford


Until 2015, who has been Britain's longest-reigning monarch?

Multiple Choice

A. King Henry VIII 

B. Queen Elizabeth I 

C. Queen Victoria

D. King George V 


Who invented the three-way traffic light?

Multiple Choice

A. Garrett Morgan

B. Morgan Freeman

C. George Washington Carver 

D. William Light


Your chances of dying from heart disease are 1 in __.

Multiple Choice

A. 3

B. 10

C. 15

D. 20


According to CNN 10, a lady from Texas lost her __________________ in what state ___________________ where she was vacationing. Luckily a man with a metal detector found the item and returned it to the woman. 

Fill in the blank 

Engagement ring, Colorado


Historian ___________________ co-founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. In __(year)___, the group declared the second week of February as “Negro History Week” to recognize the contributions of African Americans to U.S. history

Fill in the blank

Carter G. Woodson, 1926


Last week, Tom Brady retired from football after a 22-year career of consistent success and unmatched achievement. Which of the following is NOT true of his storied career?

Multiple Choice

A. He played for two teams his entire career 

B. He won the regular season MVP 3 times and Super Bowl MVP 5 times. 

C. His 7 Super Bowl championships is more than any individual franchise ever. 

D. He retires being 3rd in current NFL leader board for all time in touchdown passes, passing yards and victories. 


Match the following people with some of their impacts they made in history:

Muhammad Ali

Madame CJ Walker

Jesse Owens

Match with the following letters

A. Parents were slaves, in 1903 had only $1.05 to their name, created a hair product company. Became first black woman multi-millionaire

B. They was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1976 by President Ford. Took part in the 1936 Olympics in Germany during Hitler's Rule and won 4 gold medals

C. Won gold in the 1960 Olympics. Refused to go fight in war when drafted because of their religion and US didn't support equality for blacks.
