Fix the sentence
Reading Comprehension
Math Word Problems
bonus speed round

rafael called 1-800 flowers to send a valentine's day bouquet to his mother.

Rafael called 1-800 Flowers to send a Valentine's Day bouquet to his mother.


Marissa is going to the beauty shop on Wednesday night.  She wants to get braids.  She wants braids down to her back and she wants two colors--copper and blonde.  She is very excited to show off her new hairdo at her friend's birthday party on Friday night.

What does the want to do with her hair?

She wants braids in two colors.

Bonus Question:

What should her friends say when they see her new hairdo?

William was sitting next to his friend Marc at lunch.  Marc asked William what he is going to do over the February break.  William was excited to tell his friend that he is going to Philadelphia with his grandparents, but Marc kept looking at his phone and did not seem to be listening.

How do you think William felt?

sad, mad, or frustrated

Bonus Question:

What should you do after you ask a friend a question?


Mary baked two dozen heart-shaped  sugar cookies with pink frosting.  She has 9 classmates and 2 teachers in her classroom.  How many cookies can she give to each person?

2 cookies


Where was Barack Obama born?


Bonus Question:

Where else in Asia did he live as a child?


new york city schools are closed on tuesday, february 13th, for remote learning.

New York City schools are closed on Tuesday, February 13, for remote learning.  


Belinda is in college.  She was planning to go to Florida for spring break in April, but her mom was not able to get time off from work.  Now Belinda has to babysit her five year old sister in Brooklyn for an entire week. 

Where did Brenda want to go for spring break?


Bonus Question:

What does Florida look like?


Lola came back from recess crying. She broke the chain on her favorite necklace. Her friend, Deena, knows Lola does not really like people to touch her, but Deena did not really know what to do, so she put her arm around Lola.

Should Deena have put her arm around Lola?  

No, this is a boundary for Lola.

Bonus Question:

How could Deena have made Lola feel better using her words?


Linda has a 1/2 a tank of gas in her car.  She has to drive to work.  She will probably use 1/4 of a tank.

 How much gas will she have left to drive home?

1/4 of a tank

Bonus Question:

Linda fills her car up before she drives home, and she puts $18 worth of gas in her car.  She gives the cashier a $20 bill.  How much change does she get back?


Where is Barack Obama's dad from?



tanya took her mother to dinner at longhorn steakhouse for her birthday on saturday night.

Tanya took her mother to dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse for her birthday on Saturday night.


Lucas bought a new car last week.  He bought a orange Jeep. He is going to drive to Baltimore next weekend with his sister.  They are going to visit their grandmother.  It will take them six hours to get there.

What color is Lucas's new car?


Bonus Question:

Where does his grandmother live?

Fredo was trying to play basketball at recess with kids from another class.  He missed ten baskets, and the other kids finally said, "Dude.  You are like the worst basketball player.  Why don't you go play on the slide or something?  We don't want you on our team." Fredo's friend Romeo is also playing basketball.

What should Romeo say?

He should invite Fredo to play with him.


Ronnie and his family ordered three pizzas for Superbowl Sunday.  Ronnie at 2 slices of pepperoni pizza, one slice of sausage pizza, and one slice of cheese pizza.  His dad ate 6 slices of pizza. His uncle ate 3 slice of pizza.  

How many slices of pizza did Ronnie, his dad, and his uncle eat total?

13 slices of pizza

Bonus Question:

Ronnie's uncle doesn't like meat on his pizza.  Which pizza should he eat?


Who did Barack Obama marry?

Michelle Robinson


cynthia is going to jfk airport on Friday night to fly to dominican republic for february break.

Cynthia is going to JFK Airport on Friday night to fly to Dominican Republic for February break.


Kelly and her mom are going to the bakery after school to pick up a birthday cake for her aunt.  They are getting a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting.  Kelly's mom said she can also get a cupcake.  Kelly likes vanilla cupcakes with vanilla frosting and sprinkles.

What is Kelly's family celebrating?

Her aunt's birthday.

Bonus Question:

Who likes sprinkles?


Gina asks her classmate, Felipe, what he did over the weekend.  He said that since the weather was so nice on Saturday, he went to the park with his older brother and learned how to ride a skateboard.  He said he learned two really cool tricks. Gina says, "I went to see a movie on Saturday."

What should Gina have said to Felipe?

"That sounds fun.  What tricks did you learn?"

Gina should have asked a question or commented on what Felipe said instead of just talking about herself.


Ernie and his two brothers went out for tacos.  They ordered 12 tacos.  They got a mix of chicken, pork, and steak tacos.

 If they want to split the tacos evenly, how many tacos do they each get?

4 tacos each

Bonus Question:

What other type of tacos could they order?


How many children does Barack Obama have and what are their names?

2 children

Sasha and Malia


Jasmine's grandparents live in texas but they are thinking about moving to south carolina to be closer to their children.

Jasmine's grandparents live in Texas, but they are thinking about moving to South Carolina to be closer to their children.


Thomas went to the park on Saturday.  It was 60 degrees outside.  Thomas brought his baseball glove and a baseball.  He and his older brother played catch for one hour, and then his mom bought them tacos for lunch.

What did Thomas bring to the park?

A baseball and a baseball glove.

Bonus Question:

What does 60 degrees feel like?


Pilar and Tina are best friends.  Pilar loves "My Little Pony."  Her friend Tina prefers Japanese anime movies.  Pilar invites Tina to her house for a sleepover and says, "Maybe we can watch 'My Little Pony.'"  Tina says, "That is kind of babyish.  I don't really want to spend my time doing that."

What should Tina have said?

"I don't love that show like you do.  Maybe we could find a show we both like?"

"I will watch 'My Little Pony' if you watch an anime cartoon with me."


Nina got a job at Dunkin Donuts.  She has to work from 8am to 4pm on Saturday.  She usually works the cash register.

How many hours is she working?

8 hours

Bonus question:

If Nina make $16 dollars a hour, how much will she make on Saturday?


When was Barack Obama the President of the US?

