This flower is a popular Valentines flower.
What is Elvis Presleys most popular love song?
"Can't Help Falling in Love"
What is the holiday that we celebrate love?
Valentines Day
What is the best selling candy on Valentines Day?
Candy Hearts/Conversation Heats/Sweethearts
What mythical being is associated with Valentines Day?
What does the rose symbolize?
What are some of Bing Crosbys most popular love songs?
"True Love", "To See You Is To Love You", and "Love and Marriage"
What is the holiday where an animal tells us if we will have 6 more weeks of winter or not?
Groundhogs Day
What chocolate has the word kiss in it?
Hershey Kisses
What is it called when there are 29 days in February?
Leap year
First flowers to bloom in spring.
Snowdrops and Crocuses
What is Whitney Houstons most popular Love song?
"I Will Always Love You"
Which holiday honors George Washington's birthday?
Presidents Day
Men often buy a box of these for their Valentines!
Box of Chocolates
What are the most popular gifts given on Valentines Day?
Candy, cards and flowers
What is a popular affordable flower for Valentines?
What are some of Buddy Holly's most popular Love songs?
"Words of Love" and "Maybe Baby"
What history month is February?
Black History Month
Which peanut butter chocolate has a heart shape for Valentines Day?
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
What is the average temperature in February?
High of 28 and low of 19
What is February's birth flower?
Violets and Primroses
What song is considered to be Johnny Cashs most popular Love song?
"Ring of Fire"
On February 7th it is National Wear _____ Day.
Which chocolate has inspirational sayings on the wrappers?
Dove Chocolates
What is the record snowfall in Wisconsin in February?
54.3 inches in 2019 set in Wausau and Rhinelander.