Help! My Consumer Wont Engage.
Do You Even Know Me?
Boss Up!
Implicit Bias
Random Rhonda

You have a consumer that is very difficult to converse with, but they have mentioned that they enjoy walking, what should you do?

What is invite the consumer on a walk.

(This changes the environment for the consumer and allows them to feel more relaxed doing something they enjoy.)


I played in the Canusa Games for darts and was the youngest person to win in that category at age 12.

Who is Staci Fields.


I collect red trucks; I love camping and anything outdoors.

Who is Heather Johnson. 


What is Implicit Bias?

What is attitudes, prejudices, and judgements that we unconsciously hold about people or groups.


How many staff do we currently have since the ACM/ICM merge?  

What is 25.


Your consumer mentions that they are having trouble making healthy choices for meals. What is something you might do?

What is meet the consumer at their local grocery store and help them to identify healthy food options. 

(This is also a great engagement tool.)


I am currently pregnant!

Who is Alyssa Zalewski :)


I am in my “raising teenagers era,” and love everything Fall.

Who is Shelby Robertson. 


True or False: An example of Implicit Bias: When you hear the word “Kindergarten Teacher”, you assume that it is a female.

What is True!


What is GHS’s new address going to be?  

What is 1040 W. Bristol Rd. Flint MI 48507.


Your consumer is experiencing psychosis and is not able to engage in full conversation. What are some     engagement tools that you might use?

What is Coloring, Uno, Cards, or playing a board game. 

(Check their relapse prevention plan for some of their favorite daily activities.)


My favorite candy is chocolate covered macadamia nuts?

Who is Cedric Ross.


I have two adult children and nine sisters; I love anything leopard.

Who is LaKeshia Wash.


What can you do to reduce Implicit Bias?

1. What is recognize and accept that everyone has biases. 2. Shine light on yourself and challenge yourself. 3. Practice constructive uncertainty. 4. Explore awkwardness and discomfort. 5. Learn more about people.


What does CCBHC stand for?

 What is Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic.


Your consumer is homeless and misses your scheduled appointment every two weeks but arrives at the office to see you for several unscheduled times throughout the week. What steps could you take to increase engagement?

1. What is Schedule more frequent office appointments (once per week.) 2. Keep the same day/time of appointments each week. 3. Build a connection with the staff at the shelter s/he is staying at. 4. Engage the consumer at the shelter at 8am or 4pm before s/he leaves and/or returns. 5. Utilize petty cash to bring a cheeseburger or fulfill a basic need for the consumer to assist with engagement.


I have a 3-year-old and a 31-year-old?

Who is Sam Dillard.


In the summertime you will find me outside taking care of my fish & frog pond.

Who is Emma Behr.


True or False: Implicit biases can predict behavior.

What is True. 

(Implicit Bias are unconscious and can be uncontrollable. This in turn can affect our perceptions and behaviors.)


In what year did the agency change its name to “Genesee Health System?”  

What is March 20th 2013.


You have a consumer that is not fully engaging when discussing their goals or other paperwork, but     insists on showing you his/her drawings or artwork during your visits, what should you do?

1. What is bring drawing paper and pencils as engagement tools for the consumer to draw while     meeting with you. 2. Schedule a trip to the Sloan Museum as an incentive during the next meeting for completing paperwork. (This is free to all Genesee County residents.)


I have been in ACM the longest?

Who is Glenda Robinson. 


What supervisor has been with GHS the longest?

Who is LaKeshia Wash. 

(9 years this past January.) 


What are the five types of implicit bias?

What is Age, Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, and Physical Ability. 


How many board members sit on the GHS Board of Directors?  

What is 10. 