When was St Josephine Bakhita born
February 8
When is the feast day of St Bernadette
February 11
When is his feast day
February 3
Where can you find St Valentine skull?
How many scars does she have
What did St Bernadette see a vision of?
A lovely lady
Was she married when giving birth?
What is he the patron saint of
Throat illnesses, animals, wool combers, and wool trading
When was Valentine martyred
February 14
When was she baptized
January 9, 1890
What happened to her on February 14
The lady appeared to her again
Laviano, Tuscany
When did he die
Why was Valentine arrested
Because he helped christian
When is her feast day
February 8
When is her feast day
February 18
Where did the dog lead St Margaret to?
Her boyfriends dead body
What was St.Blaise
Bishop of Sebastea and a doctor
What did Valentine do for the daughter of a Roman judge
Prayed to God and he healed her blindness
What is she the patron saint of
Where did St Bernadette go alot
the grotto
What happened after she found her boyfriends body
She went into a life of penance
What is St. Blaise believed to be
a healer
How did Valentine get christians released
Because he proved the Roman judge that he healed his daughter