True or False: He married Christian couples.
what is she the patron saint of?
Where did she see her first vision of Mary?
When she was collecting firewood near a grotto.
What age was she when her mother died?
7 years old
Name one thing he's the patron saint of.
Of throat illnesses, animals, wool combers, and wool trading
Who did he heal?
A blind girl.
Why was she beaten by her owner?
Because she offended her son.
On her third visit what did Mary tell her to do?
To visit her everyday for the next 2 weeks.
What did she do that was considered a sin?
She lived with her boyfriend without marrying and had a son.
Who did he heal?
A kid choking to death on a chicken bone.
How did he die?
He was beheaded outside of Rome.
How much scars did she get from whips?
What did Mary ask for?
For Bernadette to build a chapel.
What did the dog lead her to?
Dead Arsenio.
What was he referred to as?
"Saint of the wild beast"
When did he die?
February 14
Why was she declared free?
Slavery in Sudan was outlawed before she was even born.
What was the water Bernadette drank?
It was blesses water that healed a lot of people
After her boyfriends death what did she do?
She pushed a life of penance and prayer.
How did he die?
What would he give to newlywed couples?
He would cut out paper hearts.
Who kidnapped her?
Arab slave holders.
When did she find out Mary was she Virgin Mary?
On the feast of annunciation.
What did she establish?
A hospital and a congregation of sisters
How did he save the old ladies pig?