What is he the patron of?
Lovers, people with epilepsy, and beekeepers
Did she know of God before being introduced by the sisters?
Yes, but he didn't truly know who he was.
When is the feast day of St. Lourdes?
February 11
What age was she when her mother died?
When was his feast day?
February 3
Is he one person or many?
He's believed to be many different people in history, maybe 2 or even 3
How many miles did she walk to get to a slave market?
600 miles
On March 25th, what happened?
Feast of the Annunciation:
Mary appeared at the grotto again, this time identifying herself as the Immaculate Conception.
When is her saint day?
May 16
What is he the patron saint of? ( 3 examples )
Throat illness, animals, wool combers, and wool trading.
What acts/miracles did he perform?
He befriended his jailer's daughter, who he healed from blindness.
He also married couples in secret during the persecution of Christians.
When was she baptized?
January 9, 1890
Who saw a vision of her at first? What was she doing during this?
Her name was Bernadette. She was collecting firewood when she saw Lourdes.
Three years after her conversion, what did she become?
Franciscan Tertiary
What was his title because of his healing?
"The Physician of Souls"
Where is his skull displayed?
In a glass reliquary at the Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome.
What is she the patron saint of?
Why was Bernadette detained?
What did she find in the forest? What did this cause her to do?
She found her husband, Arsenio, murdered. Because of this, she converted to God.
How was he martyred? ( List both ways )
He was beaten with woolcombs 1/2
and beheaded 1/2
What century did giving cards on Valentine's Day begin?
What sacraments did she receive on the same day?
First holy communion and confirmation
Why did Bernadette suffer? What did Our Lady promise?
She suffered from the jealousy and suspicion of others and her chronic illness. ( I do not promise to make you happy in this world but in the other )
What did her son become?
A friar
What is he depicted with? What does the symbol of woolcombs contribute to?
Holding two candles and/or in a cave with animals.
It contributes to his attributes of leadership as the patron of ( can't reveal the answer from before )