TRUE or FALSE: You can celebrate Valentine's Day multiple times throughout the year.
What is Lady of Lourdes' feast day?
February 11th
Where was she born?
Laviano, Tuscany
What is Saint Blaise the patron saint of?
Throat illnesses, animals, wool combers, and wool trading
What is Saint Valentine the patron saint of?
Beekeepers and epilepsy
How many miles was she forced to walk to a slave market in El Obeid?
Over 600 miles.
On what visit did the Lady ask her to return back to the grotto every day for the following two weeks?
The lady asked her that in the third visit.
How many years did she live with Arsenio?
9 years
Why was Saint Blaise arrested?
He was a Christian.
Where is the flower-adorned skull of St. Valentine displayed?
Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome.
From how many scars did she gain from one of her owners' abuse?
TRUE or FALSE: Both civil authorities and villagers thought Bernadette was a common criminal.
Where did Arsenio's dog lead Margaret?
To his dead body.
On the way to jail, what did Saint Blaise walk upon with the woman and her son?
He was choking on a fish bone, at his feet. Saint Blaise instantly cured the boy.
When was he martyred?
When did she get baptized?
January 9, 1890
What did the Lady request the young girl?
A chapel to be built on the grounds, for Bernadette to pray for the 'conversion of sinners', and for her to drink the spring water located at the grotto.
After three years of her conversion, what did she become?
She became a Franciscan tertiary.
'saint of the wild beast'
"Valentine was arrested a SECOND time because he ____________."
Valentine was arrested a second time because he evangelized pagans and helped Christians.
When and what were her last very words leading upon her death?
"Our Lady, Our Lady! and on February 8, 1947
On March 25th, the Lady came to the grotto again, this time only identifying herself as the Immaculate Conception.
When was St. Margaret of Cortona canonized and when is her liturgical feast day celebrated?
She was canonized in 1728. St. Margaret of Cortona’s liturgical feast is celebrated on February 22.
How is Saint Blaise usually depicted?
Saint Blaise is often depicted holding two crossed candles in his hand, or in a cave with wild animals.