What is Valentine the patron saint of?
Beekeepers and epilepsy
What year was St. Josephine Bakhita born?
When is her feast day?
February 11
What happened when Margaret was seven?
Her mother died.
What was Saint Blaise the bishop of?
Sebastea and a doctor.
Where is his skull located?
When is her feast day?
February 8
In the vision, what was Our Lady praying?
The Rosary
Who did she live with for nine years?
What did Saint Blaise become a physician of?
Physician of souls
Why was he arrested?
He wedded Christian couples.
Where was she born?
Olgossa in the Darfur region of Sudan
What did Our Lady ask Bernadette to do on the third visit?
Go back to the grotto every day for two weeks.
What did the dog lead Margaret to?
Arsenio's dead body
What happened to Blaise in 316?
The governor of Cappadocia and of Lesser Armenia, Agricola, arrested Blaise for being Christian
True or False: There were many Saint Valentine's?
Who was she kidnapped by?
By Arab slave traders
What did Our Lady ask?
A chapel to be built on the grounds for Bernadette to pray for the conversion of sinners.
What happened to Margaret in 1277?
Margaret became a Franciscan tertiary
What miracle did Blaise perform?
He cured a girl choking on a fish bone.
Who beheaded Saint Valentine?
Claudius II
How many times was she whipped?
What happened to Bernadette?
She was detained, interrogated, and harassed by the civil authorities.
What did she establish?
A hospital and founded a congregation of tertiary sisters.
How did Blaise die?
Agricola beat Blaise with a stick and tore at his flesh with iron combs before beheading him