Are there many Valentine's Days or just one?
When was Saint Josephine Margaret Bakhita born?
Around 1860
February 11
Did her stepmother accept or reject her while she was repenting
What did Saint Blaise do other than being a bishop?
He was a doctor
Where is Saint Valentine's skull?
When she was a child how many miles did she have to walk barefoot?
600 miles
What is her real name?
Did all of the messages from God relate to her?
Who arrested Saint Blaise in 316?
The governor of Cappadocia and lesser Armenia
How many Saint Valentines are there?
About a dozen
How many times was she bought over 12 years?
a dozen times
Who constantly visited her?
Our Lady
Who found out Arsenio was dead?
the dog
What was the miracle Saint Blaise did on the way to prison?
A wolf stole a woman's pig, and Saint Blaise told the wolf to give it back. The wolf did so
Why was Saint Valentine arrested the second time?
He married couple illeglay
Where was she placed in custody by her mistress
She was placed in the custody of the Canossian Sisters in Venice
What did Our Lady ask Our Lady of Lourdes to do?
She asked her to build a chapel, for Bernadette to pray for the conversion of sinners, and for her to drink the spring water that was revealed to her at the grotto.
Where was she born?
What is Saint Blaise's nickname?
the "saint of the wild beast"
Who's daughter did Saint Valentine heal of sickness
When was she baptized
January 9, 1890
When did Our Lady reveal herself as the Virgin Mary?
Feast of Annunciation
Who was she a mistress of?
Where was he a bishop of