What's in the Name?
Don't Quote Me (provide the missing word)
Four-Letter Words
It's a Colorful World
Happy Birthday, February Baby
The Army Corps was the predecessor to this branch of the U.S. Military.
What is the Air Force? The Air Force ended its association with the army in 1947 after World War II.
FDR said "Yesterday, December 7, 1941-a date which will live in ____. The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
What is infamy?
When you eat a meal, you usually eat it with one of these and a knife.
What is a fork?
The nickname for the state of Kentucky includes this color.
What is blue? Kentucky is known as the Bluegrass State for its abundant use of bluegrass turf.
Born February 1, 1901 and known as the King of Hollywood, this actor is known for his role as Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind.
Who is Clark Gable?
Once known as Constantinople, this Turkish city is the largest in the country and the seat of the Eastern Orthodox patriarch.
What is Istanbul?
Yogi Berra, the famous baseball player said, "it's like ____all over again."
What is "déjà vu? Some of his other pearls of wisdom include : "pair up in threes," "The future ain't what it used to be," and "you wouldn't have won if we'd beaten you."
This is another word for rabbit-as in Aesop's "The Tortoise and the ___."
What is hare?
Two boxes ride aboard commercial airliners, one to record cockpit conversations and the other to record technical data. Both go by this color's name.
What is black? The black boxes are actually orange so they can be spotted easily among the debris of a crush.
Born February 26,1913, this icon of the civil rights movement refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus.
Who is Rosa Parks? Her refusal led to the Montgomery bus boycott.
Once known as Peking, this city is the capital of China.
What is Beijing? The new name was adopted internally I the 1958 and internationally in 1979.
Marie Antoinette didn't really say, " let them eat___."
What is cake.? She allegedly said, "Let them eat brioche," which roughly translated means "rich, expensive, funny-shaped, yellow, eggy buns," according to About.com.
This is another word for car-a four-letter version of a longer word.
What is auto?
Tony Orlando sang about seeing 100 ribbons of this color around the ole oak tree.
What is yellow?
Born February 26, 1932, this country music singer-songwriter never spent a day or a night in San Quentin, Folsom Prison, or any other prison.
Who is Johnny Cash?
Rapeseed oil isn't the name that appears on bottles of this Canadian processed oil in the grocery store. Instead, you'll find it under this name.
What is canola oil? Rapeseed oil comes from the rape plant. It was renamedCanola, which stands for "Canadian oil"."
"If something can go wrong, it will" is known as this ___law.
What is Murphy's? The quote is not quite correct. Capt. Edward A. Murphy, Air Force engineer, exclaimed, " if there is any way to do it wrong, he'll find it." He was referring to the technician who had wired something incorrectly.
Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Andy, and Barbie are all examples of this four-letter word.
What is doll?
In Bobby Vinton's song, she wore this color velvet.
What is blue? The song is "Blue Velvet".
Born February 9, 1945, this actress and one-time wife of Frank Sinatra was known for her role in Rosemary's Baby.
Who is Mia Farrow?
Once known as Persia, this country is situated in the Middle East next to Iraq.
What is Iran? Did you know Iran is the Persian word for Persia? The name Iran was adopted in 1935.
In Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart's character, Rick Blaine, said, "We'll always have ____."
What is Paris?
If you were to "hit the links," you would be playing this sport.
What is golf?
Captain Kangaroo's sidekick wore jeans of this color.
What is green? His name was Mr. Green Jeans.
Born February 12, 1809, this biologist developed the theory of evolution.
Who is Charles Darwin?