Yellow River in Chinese
Huang He
a written symbol
This is the earliest Chinese dynasty that we have evidence of.
The Shang Dynasty
Watertown was founded in this year.
a.) 1576
b.) 1630
c.) 1814
d.) 1912
This is Ms. Fitanides' first name.
Not the Huang He, but the _____.
(The other major river in China.)
Chang Jiang
a large ocean wave (and spell it correctly)
A professor discovered evidence of the Shang Dynasty when he went to a pharmacy to pick up some of these.
Dragon Bones (or oracle bones)
This large shopping center was originally an Army munitions (weapons storage) and laboratory from 1816-1995.
The Arsenal, Arsenal Yards, etc.
This is Ms. Fitanides' middle name.
Capital city of Taiwan.
the outer limits or edge of an area or object
The Shang and Zhou Dynasties were this type of society, where men were favored over women in terms of power
a patriarchy
As of 2020, the population of Watertown was
a.) 1,374,044
b.) 97,578
c.) 45,019
d.) 32,986
In her younger days, Ms. Fitanides could be found at theme parks playing some of these characters.
Disney - Mickey Mouse, etc.
This is the only country in East Asia that is landlocked.
the art of predicting the future
Marquis Yi was buried with multiple objects and people that would have served him in the afterlife.
This large cemetery was founded in 1831 and consists of 151.1 acres of well manicured grounds with numerous species of both indigenous and exotic tree and shrub species. It is Watertown's largest contiguous open space and extends into Cambridge to the east. It also features the George Washington Tower.
Mt. Auburn Cemetery
What famous comic book creator did Ms. Fitanides once work for?
Stan Lee
Correctly spell the capital of Mongolia.
prefix that means having to do with China
Describe how the Shang used oracle bones. What was the process?
They would write a question on the bone. Then they would heat up a needle or sharp metal tool and put it on the bone until it cracked. Then they would interpret the results to predict the future or answer the question.
This woman from Watertown, who lived from 1830-1908, was known as the first professional female sculptor. An elementary school is named after her.
Harriet Hosmer
In which country did Ms. Fitanides spend her junior year of college?