What is this symbol called?
Clef symbol or treble clef
What is the solfege hand sign for Fa?
What song helps us remember the half step interval?
The Jaws theme
What is this called?
Time signature
Do to Re is a ____ step
A perfect 4th
What is this symbol called?
Key signature
What is a scale?
Any graduated sequence of notes, tones, or intervals dividing an octave
What is an octave?
An interval that spans 8 notes between two notes of the same pitch
What is this called & what does it do?
Double bar line, it marks the end of one section/beginning of another
What is the major triad we use?
Do Mi Sol
Do to Ti is what interval?
a Major 7th
What do the numbers in this symbol indicate?
There are 7 beats per measure and & 8th note gets one beat
This scale is made up of all twelve pitches within an octave, each a half step apart. what is this scale called?
The chromatic scale
Perfect 5th, Do to Sol