455 divided by 5
What are the 5 senses?
touch, taste, smell, hearing, see
I am a mammal, I live by the sea. I feed on fish and crustacians, I am eaten by polar bears.
What is my fav movie?
Across the Spiderverse
78 divided by 2
Name an internal and external organ
I a a very big mammal. I live in the arctic ocean and I am white.
What is my favourite activity to do in gym?
786 divided by 3
What body system is the lungs part of?
respiratory system
I hve long ears, I turn grey in the summer to hide from my enemies. I' usually white in the winter. I hop on my hind legs to escape danger.
An arctic hare
What is my favourite song?
What's up danger
88 divided by 11
This system sends messages between the brain and body
The nervous system
in winter, my coat is thick, fluffy and white and in the summer my coat turns brown. I belong to the dog family. I have a long bushy tail.
What is my favourite breakfast?
564 divided by 4
This system is responsible for the stability and movement of the body
musculoskeletal system
I am a bird of prey, I hunt and kill my food. I have a thick coat of white feathers all over which makes me look kind of snowy.
snowy owl
What is my favourite animal?
A wolf