I was the second president of the United States.
Who is John Adams?
This treaty allowed Americans to freely navigate the Mississippi and use the port at New Orleans.
What is Pinckney's Treaty?
Anthony Wayne defeated Blue Jacket at this event.
What is the Battle of Fallen Timbers?
A person living in a country without citizenship of that country.
What is an alien?
These men were leaders of the Democratic-Republican Party.
Who are Thomas Jefferson and James Madison?
I was the first Secretary of the Treasury and the leader of the Federalist Party.
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
This treaty removed all British from American soil but did not mention impressment or interference with trade.
What is Jay's Treaty?
French agents demanded a bribe and a loan from American diplomats in this event.
What is the XYZ affair?
standards set for others to follow in the future
What is a precedent?
This party favored a small central government run by the wealthy.
Who are the Federalists?
I wrote the Declaration of Independence, first Secretary of State, and second Vice President of the United States.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
This treaty said that Native Americans must surrender all land in what is Ohio today to American settlers.
What is the Treaty of Greenville?
John Adams sent negotiators to France for this reason.
What is the French were seizing American ships?
not favoring any one side
What is neutrality?
This party favored a national bank and standard currency.
Who are the Federalists?
I was the first Supreme Court Chief Justice and a diplomat sent to resolve conflict with Britain after they seized merchant ships and forced our sailors into impressment.
Who is John Jay?
This legislation barred British and French warships from docking in American ports.
What is the Proclamation of Neutrality?
This violent protest took place in western Pennsylvania over an unfair tax.
What is the Whiskey Rebellion?
to favor one side of an issue or political party
What is partisan?
The Democratic-Republicans feared this most.
What is a too-powerful government?
I was a French diplomat who came to recruit Americans to fight in our war against the British.
Who is Edmund Genet?
The Judiciary Act of 1789 established this.
What is a Federal court system?
This divided the Federalist Party and hurt Adam's chances for re-election.
What is the decision to negotiate a treaty or go to war with France?
activities aimed at weakening the government; often encouraging resistance or rebellion
what is sedition?
This party admired the stability of the British government.
What is the Federalist Party?