Watches Top Quark
Smell Factor
What happens to the group of Friends when they get to the moon?
They are hacked
The novel suggests this about the dangers of technology
It can lead to loss of individual thought, over-reliance on corporations, and a shallow, consumer-driven society.
"I'm tired of being told I'm stupid."
The name of Titus's upcar
Dodge Gryphon
Shows up at a party covered in lesions
Why does Violet's dad wait so long to install her Feed?
He couldn't afford it.
He wanted to let her make the choice
This theme is shown through lesions and the extinction of forests.
Environmental decay/destruction
We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck."
Why can't the Feed be turned off?
It's connected to the brain.
Tries to explain to Titus's father that trees make air.
How does Violet plan to resist the feed?
Create a customer profile that is so screwed that no one can market to it.
This theme is shown by the manipulating of desires ,targeting information, and valuing profits over human life.
Corporate Control
“What am I without the feed?”
What is the name of the TV show that all the girls are into?
Oh? Wow! Thing!
Says Violet is stuck-up and makes fun of her.
What is the only way that Feedtech will help Violet with her damaged feed?
If she has a consistent shopping profile.
She has to shop.
What is the relationship between Conformity vs Individuality in Feed.
The novel portrays a society where conformity is encouraged through the Feed’s constant advertisements and consumer culture. Individuality, as seen with Violet, is difficult and ultimately punished.
"Yup, married, and with the scars to prove it."
Titus's mother
This word in Feed means very. As in very cool.
Meg brag.
What does Titus buy at the end of the novel?
He orders several pairs of pants.
This theme is shown by the Hacker on the moon and the nudging
surveillance and data privacy
“We Americans are interested only in the
consumption of our products.”
Violet's father
Where was Titus born?
At a conceptionarium