He might be feeling...
a) Hopeful
b) Lonely
c) Angry
d) Bored
You are a student about to take a test you have not studied for. You feel...
The feeling of displeasure, being very irritated or annoyed.
I feel a jolt running through my body, and I want to jump up and down. I'm smiling ear to ear. I am feeling...
All feelings are OK to have.
True! Feelings make us human, and it's ok to have all types of feelings.
What is the LSS name?
Ms. Alannah
She might be feeling...
a) Relieved
b) Scared
c) Disgusted
d) Joyful
You are a person trapped in an elevator. You feel...
Feeling ashamed or embarrassed because of your actions.
My hands are sweating, and I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach. I am feeling...
Nervousness or Anxious
There are good or bad feelings.
False! All feelings are important because they are telling us something.
What was our topic about today?
Feelings and Emotions
He might be feeling...
a) Impressed
b) Confused
c) Brave
d) Amazed
You just received an unexpected gift from a friend. You feel...
A feeling you may have when you are constantly thinking about something and are unsure of what the outcome will be.
I am hiding behind my hands and peering through my fingers. When I see it, I scream! I am feeling...
Ignoring your feelings makes them go away.
False. Ignoring your feelings may make them more intense. It's important to express them in a way that shows you care about the people around you.
What is 2 ways you can share your feelings and emotions?
- Verbally stating what made you feel that way.
-Using "I" statement.
He might be feeling...
a) Confident
b) Joyful
c) Irritated
d) Excited
Someone lied to you about something important. You feel...
sad, disappointed, letdown
A feeling you have when you are really looking forward to something.
I spit out the food. "Yuck" I say as I shake my head and squint my eyes. I am feeling...
We are not able to make good decisions when we have a BIG feeling (such as anxiety or excitement).
True! Our prefrontal cortext in our brain cannot make good decisions when we have a BIG feeling.
What is one reason why we share our feelings?
So others know what we are feeling and what current needs we need.