Putting ice on my face
Ice bucket
I'm afraid of the dark.
Face your fear one step at a time.
Telling Mrs Scribble Scrabble that she's a liar.
Bossing back my worry thoughts.
My stomach hurts and I'm afraid I'm getting sick.
Remember that your stomach hurting can be part of your body's false alarm.
Also, if you are sick, you can cope with it. How did you handle it in the past?
Focusing on one think in the moment
I hate feeling this way!! What's wrong with me? Nobody else gets anxious.
Lot's of kids (and adults) get anxious. Anxiety comes and goes like a river.
Blowing my belly up like a balloon when I inhale. Letting the air out of the balloon when I exhale.
Balloon breathing.
I have to talk in front of the class - everyone is going to laugh at me.
How do you know that's true? Do you have a crystal ball? What other things could happen?
Telling myself that even if what I'm afraid of happens, I can handle it.
Positive self-talk.
My heart is beating really fast and I'm freaking out!!
balloon breathing
Ice bucket