What do Spaniards eat twelve of when the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve?
Why is it impossible to forget the words to the Spanish National anthem?
Because it doesn't have any!
Blanca Navidad
White Christmas
Patatas Asadas
Roast Potatoes
Father Christmas
Papá Noel
Who brings presents to young Spanish children?
The Three Wise Kings
(Los Reyes Magos)
How many native Spanish speakers are there in the world?
a) 10 million
b) 300 million
c) 500 million
c) 500 million
Rudolfo el Reno de la Nariz Roja
Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer
Coles de Bruselas
Brussel Sprouts
Christmas Tree
Un árbol de Navidad
What date do people give each other presents in Spain?
6th January (Dia de los Reyes)
Every year in Pamplona, hundreds of people are injured in a celebration where a dangerous animal is released into the streets and people must run away from it to escape being hurt. What animal is released?
A bull.
This festival is called 'The Running of the Bulls'.
Doce Dias de Navidad
Twelve Days of Christmas
(Los renos de Santa comen zanahorias)
Wise Kings
Reyes Magos
In Catalunya, 'Tio de Nadal' is a log decorated with a face and legs for Christmas.
What does he do when children hit him with sticks?
He poops presents/sweets.
In 2006, American artist Ze Frank created the world's first 'Earth Sandwich'. This involved placing a piece of bread on the ground in Spain and another on the ground in which country?
New Zealand
Santa Claus Llegó a la Ciudad
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
(es de color rojo)
Red Cabbage
What religious decorative feature is seen in most homes and many businesses in Spain at Christmas?
A Nativity Scene
(Un Belén)
How many native languages (dialects) are there in Spain, including Spanish?
Castilian (Spanish), Catalan, Valencian, Galician, Basque & Aranese.
Noche de Paz
Silent Night