The Steps
The Signs
The Traditions
The Promises

In this Step, we make a decision.

Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him.


In Sign 6, "we have a different feeling when buying things on ________..."

What is credit?

Sign 6: A different feeling when buying things on credit than when paying cash, a feeling of being in the club, of being accepted of being grown up.


Name the Tradition. Debtors Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues. 

What is Tradition 10


Clarity will replace __________, in Promise 2.

What is vagueness?


DA members place ___________ before personalities in the 12th Step.

What are principles?


Sign 3 is about a ___________________ attitude.

What is "live for today, don't worry about tomorrow attitude".

In Tradition 12, _________ is the spiritual foundation of all our affairs.

What is anonymity?


Name the Promise, "we recognize that there is enough..."

What is Promise 7.

We will recognize that there is enough; our resources will be generous and we will share them with others and D.A.


In this step, we continue our personal inventory.

What is Step 10


Name the Sign: "A feeling or hope that someone will take care of you if necessary..."

What is Sign 12?

Sign 12: A feeling or hope that someone will take care of you if necessary, so that you won't really get into serious financial trouble, that there is always someone you can turn to.


In Tradition 3, the only requirement for DA membership is _____________. 

What is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt.

In Tradition 11, _______ will guide our actions toward a rich life filled with meaning and purpose.

What is honesty?

In Step 9, we must be willing to do ________ to recover from this fatal disease. Especially related to Step 9.

What is: Whatever it takes? 

from - Step 9, DA 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts


In Sign 11, debtors are unwilling to _____________.

What is care for and value yourself?

Sign 11: An unwillingness to care for and vlaue yourself; living in self-imposed deprivation; denying your basic needs (in order to pay creditors).


Name the Tradition: Each group has but one primary purpose - to carry its message to the debtor who still suffers.

What is Tradition 5?


In this Promise, jealousy and envy will fade.

What is Promise 8?

We will cease to compare ourselves to others; jealousy and envy will fade.


There are 3 guiding principles of Step 4. Name 2.

What are: 

Honesty, Thoroughness and Humility

- from DA 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts


Name 3 examples from Sign 7, regarding living in chaos and drama around money.

What are: 1)using one credit card to pay another; 2) bouncing checks; 3) always having a financial crisis to contend with?

Sign 7: Living in chaos and drama around money; using on credit card to pay another; bouncing checks; always having a financial crisis to contend with.


In Tradition 6, there are 3 problems that may divert DA from it's primary purpose: Name 2.

What is: money, property or prestige?


Name 2 out of the 4 things we will be unencumbered from in Promise 4.

What are fear, worry, resentment and debt?
