how long is a 5 point bout
3 min
what are IUP colors
crimson and gray
What colors represent Halloween
Orange and Black
Name the five colors of Magic
blue, black, green, red, and white.
how many lines are on the strip
who is the IUP mascot extra points if you know what animal is!!
norm, hawk
Where did the tradition of dressing up for Halloween come from
Name the five phases of a Magic turn. If you can say them in order extra points
how long and how many points are in direct elimination
9 min 1 min breaks in between and 15 points
what division are we in sports
NCAA Division 2
When did Halloween originate
4000 B.C
What set is this card from?
Lord of the rings
how many meters is a fencing strip
14 meters
What was IUP's original mascot?
before people used pumpkins what vegetable was used
In 2005, during the development of the set "Planar Chaos," the design team explored adding what color of mana to the game.
what is the width of a strip
1.5 meters
What is the size of IUP's campus? in acres
375 acres
Where does the saying double double toil and trouble come from
Shakespeare's Macbeth
Who were the original Gatewatch members? 4 names
Jace, Gideon, Chandra, Nissa
total Eclipse of the heart