This man runs Fenn and is the current headmaster of the school. His name is?
Mr. Boonisar
(Approximately) How long did Anne hide in the annex before being found.
25 months, or about 2 years.
F=MA means Mass times accelerations equals the amount of this element of physics in an object. It is also something that Luke SKywalker happens to be handy with.
This man, known for his absolutely crazy basketball skills is known to be magical.
Magic Johnson.
This painter painted the Mona lisa.
Leonardo da Vinci.
This Faculty member used to run the middle school before becoming a 7th grade English teacher, as well as teaching T.H.R.I.V.E. Who is she?
Ms. Mcarthy
The book I Must Betray You is a book about a 17 year old student, turned spy for the Romanian government. He ends up fighting in the revolution. With in 5 years this book took place in this year.
5! means 5*4*3*2*1. If this is true, 6 equals this number followed by an !.
Rizz is a slang term started by DnD players for this stat mostly used by bards.
This word is used for how harsh sand paper is. It is also very nitty.
This new-ish faculty member dresses like a rogue from DND, is a great climber, is an outdoor adventure coach during the year and summer, and is a great DM. Who is he?
Will or Mr. Bloomenthole (I don't know how to spell his last name)
Inside out and back again is a book about a young girl named Hà. Her family takes refuge in this US territory before being sponsored to go to the mainland USA.
If the sky is blue there is more likely to be this type of weather system.
High pressure
This fandom is known for it's colorful animal costumes and for it's obsession with humanoid animals. The Odd1sout's girlfriend is part of this fandom.
The Furry Fandom
This style of pot involves using a ball of clay, and pressing the sides until thinner and smooth.
Pinch pot.
What grade did Smitty teach before becoming the head of sports?
4th grade
This style of poem may leave a sour taste in your mouth, but it is the best way to talk about a man from Nantucket.
LUCA is the thing that everything descends from. So the abbreviation LUCA is fitting for it's real name.
Last Universal Common Ancestor.
This Women from california, known for her tennis, grunts, and Crip walking, is also born on my birthday, 9/26.
Serena Williams
This muscle is often used for singing, and is considered one of the most important muscles in the body.
The Late head of the arts department, leader of the trebles, and all around great guy. Who is he?
Mr. Salvatore
This country shares the largest border with France out of any other country, though it was never invaded by Napoleon.
Logo interpreter is system, that you will not need for this question. What you will need is the formula A^2+B^2= H^2. A equals 4 and B equals 6. What is H?
2 √10 = h
The song by The Byrds bases most of the lyrics of their hit song off of some Tanakh/Bible verses. The writing that the lyrics are based off of is There is a season and a time for everything under the heavens. A time to be born, a time to die. A time to plant, a time to reap, a time to kill, a time to heal, a time to laugh, a time to weep.
Turn, Turn, Turn.
This Musical, based off of multiple fairytales, follows a baker and his wife who get cursed. They set off into the woods to get a cow as white as glue, fabric as red as blood, a slipper of gold, and hair as yellow as corn. With these they try to cure the Witch that cursed them of her ugliness. Almost everyone dies. The end of the musical has one of the surviving people sing the song No One is Alone.
Into the woods.