Studying tips
Building names
Important people
Important resources
Additional Tips

Don't study in ______! Studies Show that the least productive studying takes place in this personal area. 

Dorm or Bedroom


Chemistry, Biology, Physics... just a few of the many classes held in this building on campus!

Science Building


Confused about content? Visit this person during office hours and they are sure to help you understand what is causing you to struggle!

Your Professor!


Writing an essay, this resource has individuals who check your writing and analyze the essay, and give suggestions!

Creative Writing Center 


Don't wait until the last minute! Remember to study around a ____ in advance before you take the exam!

A week!


The best and most successful form of studying is _____. This includes taking short breaks after a heavy session, and distributing your study sessions through a time period. 

Spaced Practice (Any other form of synonym)


Story time! This building has enough books to take a whole lifetime of reading!

FLITE library


Scheduling Classes? Schedule an appointment with this person to cover a basic on what you should be interested in based on your major!

Academic Advisor


This Hall (Pickell) has an awesome designated spot for honors students to study, play games, or just plain out relax after a long day of hard work!

Honors Longue


For day to day things in your dorm, go to your building's ______ to place work orders, pick up, packages, or check items out for use!

The Front Desk


This website is perfect for repetitive practice, making virtual flashcards for your to review at your convivence! 



This building has all of the resources you need to thrive on campus; CAPS, Quad, Starbucks, LGBTQ+, and Ferris Gear!

David Eisler Center (UC) 


_____ commonly are in the same classes as you, and make it easy to study in a large group, which can also be a highly effective form of studying! 

Friends, Classmates, or group study.

Confused and looking into changing your major? Need an internship? Looking for guidance from others who have achieved the goals you have? This building has all you need for the future career you want or have questions about.

C.A.P.S.  (Career and Professional Success) 


Don't go to class drenched with rain! Never forget to check the weather, so you know when to bring your _____!

Umbrella, Raincoat


Big test tomorrow? Make sure you get plenty of ____! Staying up all night cramming content isn't very effective. 



Remember, too much laying around and doing nothing is not good for your physical or mental health... this building has all you need to maintain your strength, stamina, and love for sports! 

University Rec Center


Need some advise from a fellow student? These people are in every building, every floor, to help a student with the everyday highs and lows of life!

Your RA!


Want to speak with your professor? Never hesitate to schedule or walk in to ________, which is a time designated to the student being able to work with he professor.

Office Hours


This eatery is located in the Business Building, and it's catchy name is not to be associated with funny business, because they make a meannnn sub.

Erbert's & Gerbert's


When you need to focus, exclude _____  like a phone, television, or friends that interrupt your study session 



This building is home to the Hispanic/ Latino Culture Center, and also the President's office... Hopefully you are there to learn, not be disciplined!  

The Interdisciplinary Resource Center (IRC)


This individual has a colorful personality, and can commonly be seen with students, at events, and giving golf cart rides across campus!

President Bill Pink!


Many classes have _____ where students who are highly achieved help those who may be stuck on a topic or concept. Ask your professor when your session is!



This person is known as the "Coolest RA in Pickell" 

Jake McGaha
