Conceptual Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Technical Skills
Basic Management
List the Five steps in the Decision Making Process. (Ch. 5)
What is a) Identify the problem b)Examine the Alternative Solutions to the Problem c) Identify the best alternative d)Implement the Chosen Alternative e)Evaluate the Decision and the decision process.
patient Joan goes in for a consultation on her future in vitro procedures. When she arrives, her doctor sees her right on time. While focusing solely on her, he replies with his own informative comments in response to her questions. What type of communication do our doctors excel at? (Ch. 8)
What is Active Listening?
Our department generates profits for reinvestment in the organization. (Ch. 14)
What is not-for-profit?
Respect for persons, nonmaleficence, Beneficence and justice are all important principles in our fertility clinic. What kind of principles are they? (Ch. 3)
What is Ethics?
Name one aspect of Caplow's (1983) Model. (Ch. 5)
What is adherence to traditional problems, slow-moving; intensive problem-solving efforts, democratic participation in decision making, meticulous and accessible records and accounts, system for the designators of the successors designed to prevent surprises.
we have enough personnels that giving another employee's important tasks rarely needs to occur, but when it does our very thorough and updated patient files ensure the process is done smoothly. What is the term for what is rarely done at our office? (Ch. 9)
What is Delegation?
In our department, we update and look at our budget quarterly. (Ch. 14)
What is Rolling Budget?
What concept of diversity has to do with judging others cultures based on your own? (Ch. 4)
What is Ethnocentrism?
Name the process whereby people learn values, beliefs, and norms. (Ch. 5)
What is Socialization Process?
our company hasn't had to hire anyone in over 5 years. This is due to our employees being very satisfied with their working conditions. Happy employees will always work harder and more efficiently. Keeping good staff in the organization means we have a very high_______. (Ch. 10)
What is Retention Rate?
A Surgeon here in the department has had a long day of procedures today but one of his patients didn't show up. Instead of him sitting around, he decided to do paperwork and prep for his next patient. (Ch. 13)
What is Time Management?
What ethical principle includes the patients right to autonomy, truth telling, confidentiality and fidelity? (Ch. 3)
What is Respect for Persons?
Lewin 1947 proposed that successful change has three aspects list them. (Ch. 6)
What is Unfreezing, Moving, Refreezing?
when a conflict arises in the workplace, one of our three managers takes the task first hand, Ensuring that both sides are equal and searching for a middle ground between the parties. Name the type of conflict management. (Ch. 11)
What is Compromising?
In our department, The Joint Commission is scheduled to come every four years, but they can have unannounced visits as well to review departments. What type of evaluation model is this? (Ch. 15)
What is Expert Opinion?
Scientific Management is studied and developed using what technique? (Ch. 1)
What is Scientific Method?
"Storming" is the second stage of teamwork, what happens during this stage? (Ch. 7)
What is team members learn about one another?
Our manager's are leader's and their job is composed of ____, _____, ______ and _____. (Ch. 12)
What is Purpose, Performance, Motivation and Practice?
Our fertility clinic will fire worker's right on the spot if they do three things. name 2 or 3 (Ch. 16)
What is Malpractice, Breach of Patient Confidentiality (HIPAA), Sexual Harassment?
Planning, organizing and leading are the things that are important for managers at a fertility clinic and other facilities. (Ch. 2)
What is Management Function?