What year was Festo founded?
What are the two business sectors within Festo?
Automation, Didactic
CEO of Festo North America
Carlos Miranda
Festo GSO: Global Service Operations
Mason, OH
When was Festo US founded?
How many customers does Festo have worldwide?
Head of Human Resources for North America
Technical Engineering Center
Boston, MA
What were the names of original Founders of Festo?
Albert Fezer & Gottlieb Stoll
In how many countries does Festo do business?
Head of Customer Solutions for North America
Bryan Morehouse
Experience Center
Santa Clara, CA
How many catalogue products does Festo have?
What are the Business Units within Festo?
PNA, EA, PA, LifeTech
Head of Market Management for North America
Mark Snyder
Gainesville, FL
How many employees does Festo have globally?
What are the Industry segments within Festo?
ELA, F&P, PPC, AMI, Lifetech, PI
Chairman of the Festo Management Board
Thomas Böck
North America Headquarters
Islandia, NY