Used to assess a fetus's well-being during labor.
What is fetal monitoring
These can take the shape of the following letters: U, V or W
What are variable decelerations
A normal FHR tracing with a baseline rate of 110–160 beats per minute and moderate variability
What is a Category I
This maternal condition can cause maternal and fetal tachycardia
What is chorioamnionitis
When the umbilical cord drops down in front of the baby and passes through the cervix
What is prolapse cord
Fetal heart rate less than 110 bpm
What is fetal bradycardia
A gradual decrease in a fetus's heart rate that occurs after a uterine contraction
What is a late deceleration
Fetal tracing with variables and moderate variability
What is Category II
A tear in the muscular wall of the uterus that can lead to fetal bradycardia and maternal complications
What is uterine rupture
Thick, opaque, deep green amniotic fluid with visible particulate matter
What is meconium
This tracing does not show any features that are not clearly normal or abnormal.
What is indeterminate
A short-term increase in a fetus's heart rate
What is an acceleration
Occasional late decelerations with minimal variability
What is Category II
The occurrence of five or more contractions in a ten minute period can reduce fetal oxygenation and can cause fetal distress
What is tachysytole
When a baby is positioned in the uterus with their bottom or feet down instead of the head
What is breech position
Fetal Heart Rate greater than 160 bpm
What is fetal tachycardia
A normal part of labor that occur when the fetus's head is compressed during uterine contractions
What early decelerations
Fetal tracing with absent variability
Maternal repositioning, IV fluid bolus and discontinuing Pitocin
What are nursing interventions for fetal distress
A medical emergency that occurs when a baby's shoulder gets stuck behind the mother's pubic bone during childbirth.
What is shoulder dystocia
A smooth, undulating pattern in the FHR baseline that resembles a sine wave
A decrease in the fetal heart rate below the baseline that lasts at least 2 minutes but less than 10 minutes from onset to return to baseline
What is a prolonged deceleration
responsible for establishing standards for fetal heart rate monitoring
What is NICHD National Institute of Child Health an Human Development
An expected fetal tracing outcome when the fetus is asleep, maternal fever, prematurity or uteroplacental insufficiency
What is minimal variability
A serious complication that occurs when the placenta detaches from the uterine wall before birth. Often presents with severe abdominal pain and bleeding.
What is placental abruption