What was a samurai’s job?
fighting wars
The people of Japan grant their emperor so much honor and power because . . .
they believed the emperor was related to the sun goddess.
What does the Shinto religion focus on?
gentle and fierce aspects of nature
The best description of the geography of Japan is . . .
four large and thousands of small islands located east of Korean border.
In feudal Europe, which role was most similar to the role of a samurai in feudal Japan?
How did a Japanese man become a samurai?
He inherited the position.
What things did Japan borrow from Korea or China?
the tea ceremony, a system of writing, and the Buddhist religion
Name at least two
How does a person achieve peace, according to Buddha?
overcome feelings of desire
Pacific Rim
is a term used to describe nations that border the Pacific Ocean.
Haiku usually deal with what topic?
Who were the daimyo?
lords who ruled over large portions of land
What was Bushido?
a code of values for warriors
What is the “Eightfold Path”?
eight steps a Buddhist takes to achieve peace and enlightenment
In 1543, a Portuguese trade ship brought a new object that changed Japanese
warfare. What was it?
How was Japan’s government different after the last shogun lost power?
These vocabulary terms will be matching on the history test:
he new government was more interested in the world beyond Japan.
What was the role of the shogun in Japan?
He was the military ruler and also had political power.
What art form are Kabuki and Noh?
What is Zen Buddhism
is a type of Buddhism developed in Japan that emphasizes meditation and thoughtful
way to peace.
What did Commodore Matthew Perry force the Japanese to do?
sign a trade treaty
The Mongol invasions of Japan failed because . . .
Fierce storms destroyed Mongol ships and stopped the Mongol attack.
What was the lowest ranked position in feudal Japan?
s a title meaning great general, given to the strongest military leader in feudal Japan.
What is Shinto
is a Japanese religion in which people worship gods and spirits associated with nature.
is a chain of islands
What is isolation
means separation from others.