Japan is an example of a geographic form called an archipelago. What is an archipelago"
What is a chain of islands
Feudal Japan borrowed a model for government from this neighboring country
What is China
Considered the "soul of the Samurai"
This mountain is a beloved symbol of Japan
The main island of Japan is . . . .
What is Honshu
Though considered a god on earth, this Japanese leader has very often been merely a figurehead
Who is the emperor
If disgraced, or in some untenable situation, a samurai may resort to this form of ritual suicide
What is seppuku
The native animist religion of Japan focusing on the spirits of nature and the influence of ancestors
What is Shintoism
Japan has been influenced by her neighboring countries Name one . . .
What are China or Korea
The supreme military head of Japan, and usually the REAL head of the Japanese government bears this title
Who is the shogun
The Samurai code of conduct stressing, honor, loyalty, sacrifice, and simplicity
What is Bushido
Initially what did KAMI KAZE literally mean?
What is DIVINE or Spirit WIND?
The islands of Japan are surrounded by three bodies of water, name one
What are the Pacific Ocean, Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan
These local warlords or "minor kings" ruled under the Shogun's direction
Who are the daimyos
During the Tokugawa era, samurai were required to carry two of these as a symbol of their status
What are swords
The form of Buddhism favored by samurai warriors which taught self-control, mental discipline and spiritual focus
What is Zen Buddhism
Because of its geography, Japan is prone to what types of natural disasters
What are earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons
From the 1600s til the mid 1800s, this was the last feudal period of Japan was a period of isolation
What was the TOKUGAWA period
These men were referred to as samurai with no master
Who are ronin
During early Japan's early history Prince Shotoku borrowed many cultural traits form China. Name two
What are Writing, Gov't, Art, Confucianism, Buddhism, Dress, Architecture