This is a system of government in which land is exchanged for loyalty and services.
What is feudalism?
This is the estate over which a lord had control; also the lord's house on an estate.
What is a manor?
This is the where the entrance to the castle would be.
What is the gatehouse?
This is a military servant of a feudal king or lord.
What is a knight?
This is the ditch surrounding the castle, filled with water when the castle was on a stream or river.
What is a moat?
This is a person who receives land from a ruler and in return promises aid (help).
What is a vassal?
This is a farm worker who was bound to live and work on his lord's land.
What is a serf?
This is a large building, often surrounded by a fortress.
What is a castle?
This is a set of rules for knights.
What is the code of chivalry?
This is an army attack in which it would surround a castle so that no food, weapons, or supplies could reach the people inside.
What is a siege?
This is a plot of land exchanged for loyalty to a ruler.
What is a fief?
Who provided protection for the residents of the manor?
Who is a knight?
This is the center of the castle. It's a square structure, designed to be the strongest part of a castle where inhabitants could retreat during an attack.
What is a keep?
This is a staged battle fought by knights for money and honor without the intention to wound or kill.
What is a tournament?
This is a tall, wooden tower that rolled on wheels and could hold soldiers to enter a fortress.
What is a siege tower?
In the feudal pyramid, what was given to lords, knights and peasants in exchange for food or services?
What is land?
True or False? A peasant could ascend to become a knight or a lord.
What is false?
This is the open space inside a castle's keep.
What is a courtyard?
This is a young boy in his first stage of training as a knight.
What is a pageboy?
This is a method of attack in which soldiers used a huge log to bang against castle doors until they broke open.
What is a battering ram?
This is a superior member of the feudal society who had control over a manor.
What is a lord?
This is the wife of a lord. She often took control of the manor in a lord's absence.
What is a lady?
This is a bridge made to be raised up and let down, so as to permit to hinder passage (let people in or keep them out).
What is a drawbridge?
This is a personal servant to a particular knight.
What is a squire?
These are the leaders of a feudalistic society who pledged to protect and be loyal to the vassal.