What is the epidemic in Philadelphia?
Yellow Fever
Who is the main character in Fever: 1793?
Matilda (Mattie) Cook
What is the mood of this sentence: "A footstep. A heavy footstep by the window."?
What event is this sentence foreshadowing: "The noisy mosquito darted between us."?
The yellow fever epidemic.
What is the definition of "rouse"?
To awaken.
Who is Mattie Cook's mother?
Lucille Cook
What is the mood of this sentence: "I understood why the cart man walked so slowly. Death was a heavy companion."?
What event is this sentence foreshadowing: "'Polly's late and there's work to be done.'"?
Polly is dead.
What is the definition of "grippe"?
Where does Mattie's mother want to send her at the beginning of the novel?
The Ludington's farm in the country.
Who is the painter's assistant who Mattie Cook likes?
Nathaniel Benson
What is the tone of this sentence: "I passed the night kneeling by the side of the finest man I had ever known, praying that the morning would not come."?
What event is this sentence foreshadowing: "His face turned that terrible shade of red again, and he could barely breathe."?
Grandfather's death.
What is the definition of "destitute"?
Extremely poor.
Where does Mattie end up when she gets sick?
Bush Hill
Who is the orphan Mattie Cook rescues?
What is the tone of this sentence: "I had not cleared the wax from my ears all summer, hoping it would soften her voice. It did not work."?
What event is this sentence foreshadowing: "The sun wasn't made of fire, it was a monstrous snowball. My teeth clattered together. What was wrong with me?"
Mattie gets sick with yellow fever.
What is the meaning of "placid"?
Not easily upset or excited.
What happens twice to the Cook coffeehouse?
It gets robbed.
Who was Mattie Cook's nurse at Bush Hill?
Mrs. Flagg
What is the tone of this sentence: "Good luck with your paints? Did I really say that? What a ninny."?
What event is this sentence foreshadowing: "Colette dabbed her napkin on her forehead. Mama, it is rather warm in here."?
Colette Ogilvie gets sick and passes out.
What is the definition of "slovenly"?
Messy and dirty.