What relation to Bilbo is Frodo?
his nephew
Who is the King of Rohan?
Who is Legolas' father?
What is the kings jewel?
The Arkenstone
Where does Celebrimbor live?
What is Sam's job in the Shire?
a gardener
Who is the steward of Gondor?
What is the name of Galadriels ring?
Who is Thorins enemy in The Hobbit?
Azog the Defiler
What island does Elendil and Isildur come from?
There and Back Again, A Hobbits Tale
Who is the skin changer in the Hobbit?
Who is Galadriels husband?
Which two dwarves aside from Thorin are also descended from Durin?
Kili and Fili
Who is the high king of the Elves in Lindon?
What does Sam receive from Galadriel?
Hithlium (magic) rope
Who is a servant of Saruman located in Rohan?
Grima Wormtongue
What forest does Legolas grow up in?
What does Gimli ask Galadriel for in the Fellowship of the Ring?
A hair from her head
What is Durins wife's name?
Where do Frodo and Sam meet Pippin and Merry?
In Farmer Maggots field
What name do we first meet Aragorn by?
Who does Elrond take the 3 Elven rings to after they are created?
Cirdan the Shipbuilder
Can you name all 12 dwarves in the Hobbit?
Thorin, Dwalin, Balin, Oin Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bomber, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori
Where was Galadriel sailing too before she jumped off the ship?