GHGs and me
The Atmosphere, etc.
At the pump
No mo' CO2
I've gotta breathe what?

These gases have the most atmospheric warming potential, are human-made and not naturally occurring.

What are fluorinated gases, CFCs, or HFCs?


This is the official name for the layer of the atmosphere where having a lot of ozone is a BAD thing.

What is the troposphere?


This is the name for the area of a car defined on the outside by the contact points of its 4 tires with the ground. 

What is the vehicle’s “footprint”?


This is the major federal law in the U.S. that addresses air pollution.

What is the Clean Air Act?


This city has the world's most polluted air. 

What is Lahore, Pakistan?


The most abundant GHG, it is produced when any carbon-based material is burned.

What is carbon dioxide, CO2?


Occurring over the North Pole, this phenomenon is indicated by high clouds with high concentrations of heavy metals due to combustion of coal and oil.

What is Arctic haze?


This is the international agreement to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which was signed in France by almost all countries in the world, including both the U.S. and China.

What is the Paris Agreement?


This is the name of the approach we can take to use a number of “mini-solutions” to flatten our CO2 emissions curve.

What is the wedge approach?


This is a gas that can build up indoors when a house is built on soils with uranium that breaks down and enters foundations through cracks.

What is radon?


This GHG is made of only oxygen molecules.

What is ozone (O3)?


These are the most important causes for the stratospheric ozone hole over Antarctica.

What are CFCs from refrigerants, coolants, Styrofoam, and aerosol spray cans?


This is the name and/or acronym for the rules made by the US government to force automobile manufacturers to increase fuel efficiency.

What are Corporate Average Fuel Economy or CAFE standards?


This is the most low-tech but effective way to capture carbon out of the air.

What is reforestation or planting trees?


This country has more cities in the top 50 list for worst air pollution than any other country.

What is India?


This is how many degrees warmer the surface of our planet is because of our atmosphere.

What is 60 degrees F?


As of 2023, this energy source is responsible for about 60% of all electricity produced in the U.S.

What are fossil fuels?


The Trump Administration attempted to lock in fuel efficiency standards at a lower level than those outside the auto industry wanted through this rule.

What is the SAFE Vehicles Rule?


This is the type of alternative fuel we learned about in the Climate for Change video from lab this week that must be maintained under super cold conditions.

What is liquified natural gas (LNG)?


This is how many premature deaths are estimated to be caused by air pollution every year.

What is 7 million?


You can safely drink this greenhouse gas, but only in its liquid form.

What is water (H2O)?


This person from Sweden was a teenager when she stepped onto the world stage as an activist begging older generations to address climate change NOW.  

Who is Greta Thunberg?


This is the official name in the national fuel efficiency requirements that includes pickups, vans, and SUVs.

What is/are “Light Trucks”?


From this week’s video in lab, this is the feedstock being used for biodiesel in Singapore.

What is waste cooking oil?


These TWO gases are most responsible for acid rain.

What are sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)?
