Word Study
Authors Purpose and Message
Poetry and Figurative Language

Read this sentence from HEALING WITH HAPPINESS-

As a child Adams performed well in school. He especially excelled at math and science.

In this sentence, the word excelled means-

A- Liked

B- Performed Well

C- Performed bad

D- Hated

B- Performed Well


These sentences are from the passage called Racing Team-

“This is a good spot,” Max said. “There’s lots of squishy, wet sand to build with.” He picked up a handful and dribbled it over his legs.

What is the most likely reason the author included this paragraph in the selection?

A- To show the reader what the boys were looking for in a spot to build their sand sculpture

B- To tell the reader what the sand feels like

C- To tell the reader about the contest.

D- To introduce the characters.  

A- To show the reader what the boys were looking for in a spot to build their sand sculpture


Read these lines from a poem called THIS MUCH IS TRUE-

This much I know is true:

I hate a hot summer afternoon,

the sidewalk is a sizzling concrete pan,

The author includes the metaphor in order to-

A- Help the reader understand how hot the sidewalk is

B- Help the reader understand how hot the sun is

C- Help the reader understand that there is a pan on the sidewalk

D- Help the reader understand how cold it is in the afternoon

A- Help the reader understand how hot the sidewalk is



The reader can tell that this is a Fable because-

A- It starts with "Once upon a time..."

B- It teaches a lesson

C- It tells a funny story

D-It has animals

B- It teaches a lesson


Read this sentence from HEALING WITH HAPPINESS-

They converted a large house with six bedrooms into a hospital, where they provided free medical care.

What does the word converted mean?

A- made into

B- tore down

C- Cleaned

D- searched

A- made into


This question is also from Racing Team-

Which sentence states the main theme(message) of the story?

A It is important to be on time when others are depending on you.

B Winning does not matter as long as you try hard.

C Working with others can be better than working on your own.

D The best ideas come to those who are patient.

C Working with others can be better than working on your own.


Read the following lines from Poppy's jalopy-

Poppy's jalopy is older than dirt, the bumpers all busted, the squirter won't squirt.  The passenger door's tied shut with brown twine.  But I can climb in the window and get in just fine.

Which sentence best describes these lines?

A- The words that rhyme create a rhythm

B- No words rhyme

C- There are some similes and metaphors

A- The words that rhyme create a rhythm


Which sentence best describes how the Characters in Enemy Pie change throughout the story?

A- they start as friends and become enemies

B- they start as enemies and end as best friends

C- they start as just boys who know each other and end as enemies

D- they are enemies throughout the whole story

A- they start as friends and become enemies


Read these sentence from HEALING WITH HAPPINESS-

Adams decided to become a doctor. During his medical training he developed his own style of working with patients. When he talked with sick people, he wanted to understand how they were feeling.

As it is used in this paragraph, the word patients means-

A- To Wait

B- People who are sick

C- People who are healthy

D- People who are doctors

B- People who are sick


The following is the first paragraph in the passage STAR PARTIES-

As cars travel on the long road up the hill, their drivers shut off the headlights. Passengers jump out, chattering excitedly. They walk slowly to join the crowd on the hill. All around, the land is quiet and dark. No streetlights or house lights glow. Everyone gazes up at the night sky. This is a star party.

What is the most likely reason the author begins the selection with this paragraph?

A To describe an activity that the reader may not have experienced

B To suggest that a star party is similar to a party the reader may have attended

C To identify the types of objects the reader would see in the night sky

D To inform the reader of the items needed for a successful experience

A To describe an activity that the reader may not have experienced


Read the lines from the poem POPPY's JALOPY-

our trusty jalopy, just perfect for me and my poppy

In this poem- the reader can conclude that-

A- The old jalopy works well and takes Poppy and the grandchild where they want to go.

B- The relationship between Poppy and the grandchild is not good

C- The old jalopy is broken and everyone is now sad

D- The old jalopy is perfect for the time Poppy spends with his grandchild.

D- The old jalopy is perfect for the time Poppy spends with his grandchild.


The following sentence comes from a passage called a Hardworking cat-

Which sentence shows people are interested in meeting the cat named Tama?

A- She spent most of her time at the train station 

B- She walks around the station and greets passengers

C- Tama has been featured in many TV Commercials and newspaper articles as well as TV and video clip

D- From stray to stationmaster, life is sweet for Tama!

C- Tama has been featured in many magazine and  newspaper articles as well as TV and video clips. 


Read this paragraph from CLASS SAFARI-

CJ's trek to Africa isn't a vacation.  It's part of classes at Langley School.  CJ's teacher is Joseph Lekuton.  He is a member of Africa's Masai tribe in Kenya.  Every summer Lekuton takes some of his students and their parents on a two week trip to their homeland.

What does trek mean?

A- Trip 

B- Picnic 

C- Play

D- Show



The following paragraph is from a passage called TEDDY BEAR, TEDDY BEAR

Teddy Bears have even helped Animals, in a national park in England a horse named Breeze got lost from his mother.  Workers at a horse farm found Breeze and gave him food, but they thought he still needed a mother.  So the workers gave him a four foot tall teddy bear named buttons.  The young horse cuddled next to the teddy bear and slept.  With food and rest, Breeze soon become healthy and strong!

What is the most likely reason the author included this paragraph?

A- To tell how Teddy Bears can help animals.

B- To tell how Teddy Bears can cuddle

C- To tell how Teddy Bears are friendly

D- To tell why people like Teddy Bears

A- To tell how Teddy Bears can help animals.


Read these lines from the poem THE TRICKLE-

The sky above grows dark

Grey blends into black,

Clouds wring out their water;

Raindrops on attack!

These lines help the reader imagine- 

A. A rainstorm beginning 

B. The sunshine after the rain

C. A snowstorm

D. A Flood

A. A rainstorm beginning 


These lines are from a poem called Climbing-

Leaves in my face and twigs in my hair 

in a squeeze of a place, but I don’t care!

These lines show that the speaker —

F is not certain when she will stop climbing

G knows of a perfect spot to rest while climbing

H agrees with what others say about climbing trees

J is not bothered by the challenges of climbing trees

J is not bothered by the challenges of climbing trees


Sea Turtle's are one of Earth's oldest creatures.  They have been around for millions of years!  There are currently seven species of sea turtles alive today.  

The word species as used in this paragraph means-

A- Different types

B- Aliens

C- Armys

D- groups of the exact same types

A- Different types


This paragraphs are from the selection called LIZARD PROBLEMS-

1 My problems started when I learned that Mrs. Reno would be my fourth-grade teacher. She had a lizard in her classroom, and lizards were on my list of terrifying things. And it wasn’t a little lizard. It was a Uromastyx, as long as my arm and with a spiky tail.

2 Worse, Trent Dillard was in my class again. Last year, I had to sit in front of him because Amy Carlson comes before Trent Dillard in alphabetical order. He knows I’m afraid of spiders, and all year he pretended to put them in my hair. If he found out lizards were on my list, I’d be finished.

Paragraphs 1 and 2 are important to the story because they —

F provide details about Amy’s job

G introduce Amy’s problems

H explain why Amy is afraid of lizards

J show how Amy solves her problem

G introduce Amy’s problems


Read these lines from the poem TRICKLE-

A breeze picks up the leaf, 

blowing it away 

Until a new trickle comes 

on another day

Which word best describes the author's use of voice in this poem?

A. Sad

B. Chaotic

C. Peaceful 

D. Angry

D. Angry


These lines are also from the poem CLIMBING-

Which of these lines from the poem helps the reader imagine the speaker’s experience while climbing the tree?

F through tunnels of leaves that sway

G that’s where I make my way

H where the hills are wide

J But the trunk of a tree

F through tunnels of leaves that sway
