What does FFA stand for?
Future Farmers of America
Name one office position in FFA.
President, vice president, secretary, treasurer, reporter, sentinel, JR advisor
Name one CDE or LDE
Judging, vet science, public speaking, ext.
Due to pigs not being able to sweat, what is 3 ways to keep alive in heat?
Rinse them off daily, keep fans on them, provide concrete for them to lay on (it is cool), provide plenty of water, provide necessary nutrition, keep out of the sun for long periods of time
Do cows prefer hot or cold water?
What are the official FFA colors?
Corn gold and national blue (gold and blue)
How many senior office positions are there this year?
What is the point of competing in a CDE or LDE?
To spark new career opportunity's and teach you new things.
How many stomachs does a sheep have?
What is the average market weight for a beef steer?
950-1500 pounds
Indianapolis, Indiana
What is the job of the treasurer?
Deals with the money earned and spent. "Serve as chairperson of the earnings and savings committee"
What CDE Team is currently 2nd in the state?
Horse Judging
What is a adult female sheep called?
A ewe
What are 5 examples of what beef cattle eat on a daily?
While there is a wide variety some may include corn, corn fodder, many variety's of hay, soybean meal, grass, silage, TMR, oats, barley, and much more.
What is the FFA moto?
Learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve.
Every officer has a station in there office, what is the station of the president? Options: Ear of corn, plow, flag, rising sun, Washington, owl, or door.
The president is stationed by the rising sun.
What LDE did you all participate in (at the chapter level)?
Creed Speaking
What is it called when a pig is giving birth?
On average, how many pounds of feed do market steers eat PER day?
2-2.5% of their body weight
approx. 25 lbs
Who Wrote the FFA Creed?
Every officer has a station in there office, what is the station of the Secretary? Options: Ear of corn, plow, flag, rising sun, Washington, owl, or door.
What does CDE and LDE stand for?
Hint: They are very similar
CDE stands for Career Development Events
LDE stands for Leadership Development Events
What is a herd of a few sheep called?
a whole herd is called a flock.
How many stomachs do cows have?
1 true stomach (4 compartments)