Federal Firearms act
Federal license requirement on gun manufacturers, importers, and persons in the business of selling firearms
Agriculture Communications
report agricultural information to audiences such as consumers, legislators, homeowners, farmers, agribusinesses, commodity groups, and governmental agencies
Hughes Act passed
Agricultural Proficiency Award
honor FFA members who, through their supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs), have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers
Agricultural Communications
report agricultural information to audiences such as consumers, legislators, homeowners, farmers, agribusinesses, commodity groups, and governmental agencies.
Free For All Act
Each state is committed to one year of participation to establish clear, comprehensive, and peer-reviewed plans
Agricultural Issues Forum
connects agriculture students with professionals in the industry as they research, present and then understand complicated issues
Future Farmers Of America was founded.
American Star Awards
Presented to FFA members who demonstrate outstanding agricultural skills and competencies through their SAEs.
Creed Speaking
recognizes and rewards members of FFA at the junior high school level who score highest in a competition that involves an oral presentation of the FFA Creed
National FFA Organization Act
provide the founding principles, authority, objectives and procedures
Agriculture Sales
approach individuals who are knowledgeable about products and the industry, accustomed to new technology and advancements and understand the need for efficiency and profitability
The FFA Creed was adopted.
American FFA Degree
The highest honor awarded to FFA members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their supervised agricultural experience.
Dairy Cattle Evaluation & Management
helps students develop skills in dairy cattle selection and herd management
Local Program Success Act
This resource includes promising practices, helpful resources, steps to success and an action plan
Creed Speaking
outlines the organization's values and beliefs regarding the industry of agriculture, FFA membership, and citizenship and patriotism.
The Anna FFA Chapter Began.
National Chapter Award Program
Designed to recognize FFA chapters that actively implement the mission and strategies of the organization
Fugitive Felon Act
States that a felony to cross state lines in order to avoid state-felony prosecution, imprisonment or giving testimony in a state felony case
Agricultural Technology
helps students develop technical knowledge and an ability to work with others.
FFA Jacket adopted as official dress.
Agriscience Fair
Recognizes student researchers studying the application of agricultural scientific principles and emerging technologies in agricultural enterprises.