This is year FFA was established in Kansas City Missouri.
What is 1928?
This man wrote the FFA Creed
Who is E.M. Tiffany
This is the location that FFA was founded
Kansas City Missouri, The American Royal Livestock Show
The President is stationed by the
What is the Rising Sun
What are the Official FFA Colors
National Blue and Corn Gold
This is the year the NFA merged with the FFA
What is 1965?
She was the first female national FFA president
Who is Jan Eberly?
This is the current location of the National FFA Convention
The Flag is where this officer is stationed
The Name of the FFA Uniform
FFA Official Dress
This is when women were allowed to join the FFA Membership
When is 1969?
He was the First National FFA President?
Who is Leslie Applegate?
This was the location of the National FFA Convention from 1999-2005 and 2013-2016
Where is Louisville, Kentucky
The Advisor is Here by the
What is the Owl
What does CDE stand for
Career Development Event
This is when the Smith Hughes Vocational Education Act took place.
When is 1917
He is the Father of the FFA
Who is Henry Groseclose?
This was where the first National FFA Headquarters was located.
It was on land previously owned by our first president
Where is Alexandria, Virginia
This person is stationed by the door
Who is the sentinel.
What does LDE stand for
Leadership Development Event
This is the year that Public Law 740 passes granting FFA a Federal Charter.
When is 1950?
He was the first African American National FFA Officer
Who is Fred McClure?
Which city will host the Texas FFA Convention this summer?
Fort Worth
This Plow is a symbol of labor and tillage of the soil this officer is stationed there.
The Vice President
Name all 6 parts of the emblem
Cross Section of Ear of Corn
Rising Sun