What does the eagle symbolize in FFA?
The eagle is a national symbol which serves as a reminder of our freedom and ability to explore new horizons for the future of agriculture
What state has the most FFA members
Who was the first female national FFA president?
Jan Eberly
What makes a good FFA officer?
communication skills; ability to work in a team; knowledge of FFA, Agriculture, and Agricultural Education; organizational skills; character; passion for success; influence; and critical thinking skills.
What side of the FFA jacket do the pins go on?
The rights side under the name.
The owl Symbolizes knowledge required to be successful in the industry of agriculture.
What are the three levels of FFA?
local, state, and national.
Future Farmers of America
What is the treasurer stationed by?
the emblem of Washington
What color is the official FFA jacket
National Blue.
What are the five symbols of the FFA emblem?
A cross-section ear of corn, owl, eagle, plow, and rising sun
What degree do you receive first?
Greenhand Degree
when was the FFA Creed adopted into the FFA?
What is the vice president stationed by?
The plow
What is the FFA jacket made out of?
Blue Corduroy
What does the rising sun symbolize in FFA?
The rising sun signifies progress and holds a promise that tomorrow will bring a new day glowing with opportunity.
what do you have to do to get the FFA Chapter degree
receive your greenhand
what year was the Pennsylvania FFA Chartered?
What are the six FFA officer positions?
These include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel, and Advisor.
What is the official dress for FFA members?
An official FFA jacket zipped to the top. Black slacks and black socks/nylons or black skirt and black nylons.
What does the plow represent in the FFA Emblem.
The plow symbolizes labor and tillage of the soil and the backbone of agriculture and the historic foundation of our country's strength
What is the highest degree in FFA?
the American FFA Degree is the highest FFA Degree.
What year did the FFA start?
What is the secretary stationed by?
the ear of corn.
True or False: Girls are allowed to wear black skirts and/or black dress pants