Which of these is NOT a livestock species?
Cattle, Llamas, Chickens, or Dogs
What are dogs?
What is the male and female part of a flower called?
What are (male):Stamen, (female):Pistil
Where did Kayla go to college?
What is Iowa State?
Who wrote the FFA creed?
Who is E.M Tiffany?
Which officer is stationed by the door?
Who is the sentinel?
Who is Mya Heather?
Where does the longhorn bull originate from?
What is Texas?
What pigment is found in plant cells and is essential for photosynthesis, allowing plants to convert sunlight into energy?
What is chlorophyll?
What are the names of Kayla’s two household pets?
Who are Nike and Wilson?
What is the FFA official dress
What is FFA Jacket, White Collared Shirt, Black Dress Pants or Black Skirt with Black Tights, Black Dress Shoes, FFA Tie or Scarf, (optional):Black Belt.
What was a common nickname for our advisory prior to Kayla?
Who is Big D?
How may steers are born a year in the state of Iowa?
What is zero?
This classification of plants includes those that do not have vascular tissue to transport water and nutrients.
What are non-vascular plants?
What was did Kayla go to college for?
What is an animal science major with a minor in meat science?
Where is National Convention held?
What is Indianapolis, Indiana?
Which of our FFA officers was the only person in the Nation to receive the $10,000 National FFA Grant
Who is Wyatt Kissling?
This organ in ruminant animals, (such as cows and sheep), is the largest of four stomach compartments
What is the rumen?
Which layer of soil is rich in nutrients and is usually where most plant roots grow.
What is topsoil?
What is Kayla’s middle name?
What emblem is located at the center of the FFA official seal?
What is the plow?
Which officer is in charge of promoting the chapters activities, and communicating events with the community?
Who is the reporter?
Who is Brady Hospodarsky?
Who is being described below:
This person is an animal behavior expert who’s work became nationally implemented after their unique way of thinking revolutionized the way we handle livestock?
Who is Temple Grandin?
What type of plant grows from the same root system every year?
What are perennials?
Last year Kayla went to watch the Iowa Women’s Basketball team play in the Sweet 16 game. What city was this located in?
What is Albany, New York?
Who is the current National FFA President?
Who is Thaddeus Bergschneider
How many piercings does Melani Ellis have?
What is 12?