What year was FFA founded?
What does the cross-section of the ear of corn represent?
Name one of the FFA colors.
National Blue
What is the first line of the FFA motto?
Learning to do
What is the role of the president?
Preside over meetings according to accepted rules of parliamentary procedure
What year did FFA open membership to women?
What does the rising sun symbolize?
Name the other FFA color
Corn Gold
How many lines are in the FFA motto?
What is the role of the treasurer?
● Receive, record, and deposit FFA funds and issue receipts.
What year was the official jacket adopted?
What does the plow represent?
Labor and tillage
Why are these colors significant to agriculture?
What is the second line?
Doing to learn
What is role of the sentinel?
Assist the president in maintaining order.
Keep the meeting room, chapter equipment, and supplies in proper condition.
Welcome guests and visitors.
Keep the meeting room comfortable
What year did FFA change its name to the National FFA Organization?
What does the eagle symbolize?
What year were the FFA colors became official?
What is the third line?
Earning to live
What is the role of the historian?
Develop and maintain a scrapbook of memorabilia in which to record the chapter’s history.
Research and prepare items of significance in the chapter’s history.
What year did the New Farmers of America merge with FFA?
What does the owl symbolize?
What is the fourth line?
Living to serve
What is the role of the vice-president?
Assume all duties of the president if necessary.
Develop the Program of Activities (POA) and serve as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the POA committees.
Coordinate all committee work.
Work closely with the president and advisor to assess progress toward meeting chapter goals.
Establish and maintain a chapter resource file