FFA officially began
Where can you find the FFA emblem on the blue jacket?
Over your heart and on your back.
How many paragraphs are in the FFA Creed?
Official colors
National blue and corn gold
What material are FFA blue jackets made of?
The Blue Corduroy jacket was adopted as part of FFA offiicial dress
Where is the president stationed during opening ceremony?
Rising Sun
Each paragraph starts with what two words
I believe
What does SAE stand for?
Supervised Agricultural Experience
Which city is the National FFA Convention currently held in?
Indianapolis, Indiana
The National Farmers of America (NFA), an organization similar to the FFA for African American students, merged with the FFA
Which part of the emblem represents unity?
Corn! Why?
Who wrote the FFA Creed?
E. M. Tiffany
What does CDE/LDE stand for?
Career Development Event and Leadership Development Event
Colquitt County is a part of _______ Region, Area ______.
South region, Area 5
Female students were allowed to become official FFA members.
Which part of the FFA emblem represents freedom?
The FFA creed was adopted at the _______ National FFA Convention
What kind of FFA membership is available to middle and high school students who are currently enrolled in agriculture classes.
Active membership
What is the Smith-Hughes Act?
Allowed for agriculture classes to be taught in high schools.
Future Farmers of America changed its name to the National FFA Organization
Name atleast 3 parts of the emblem
Options: cross section of corn, rising sun, plow, owl, eagle
What year was the FFA creed adopted by the National FFA Organization?
What is the highest degree an FFA member can recieve?
American degree
Why did FFA change its name to "National FFA Organization"?
To represent the growing diversity of agriculture