The FFA Jacket can be worn where?
In Harry's 9th grade high school ag class he just learned about FFA. He is thinking about joining. What degree can he get?
The eagle represents what on the emblem?
FFA was founded in Kansas City, MO in what year?
Define FFA & SAE
FFA- Future Farmers of America
SAE- Supervised Agricultural Experience
T or F: Crocs and flip flops that are black can be worn with the FFA official dress.
False: Only black closed toed dress shoes or hey dudes/boots.
Eliza is in 8th grade. She is a part of an ag class but is not an FFA member. Can she get the Discovery Degree?
No, she has to be an FFA member.
This emblem part represents progress?
Rising Sun
In 1935 what was formed?
NFA- New Farmers of America for African American males
This officer is responsible for overseeing the committees and filling in if the president is absent.
Vice President
What other official FFA item is worn with official dress?
Tie or Scarf
Elsa just graduated from high school. She was very active in FFA where she participated in contest and community service. What degree can she get?
The cross section ear of corn represents what?
This person is known as the father of FFA?
Henry Groseclose
What is the FFA motto?
Learning to Do
Doing to Learn
Earning to Live
Living to Serve
Lisa is a junior this year. Last year she earned her first FFA degree. What is the next degree Lisa can get?
The owl represents means what and represents what office?
This is a multi paragraph speech _____ and it was written by_____.
The secretary is in charge of what?
Meeting Minutes
Correspondence with the chapter
Sally is going to FFA camp besides her jacket and scarf what are the other items she still needs?
Only 2% of FFA members receive this degree. What is this degree called and what do they have to maintain after high school?
American; SAE
There are two sets of words on the FFA emblem what are they?
Agriculture Education & FFA
In what year did the NFA and FFA merge?
What year were women allowed in FFA?
The purpose of an SAE is?