How many symbols are featured in the FFA emblem
What did NFA represent?
New farmers of america
Who wrote the creed?
E.M. Tiffany
When was the FFA started?
What does the eagle in the FFA emblem represent?
Freedom and the ability to explore new horizons in agriculture
Where is the President stationed?
The Rising Sun
What does the rising sun represent in the FFA emblem?
Progress and the new opportunities in agriculture, signifying the dawn of a new day for agriculture and FFA members.
What is a CDE
Career Development Event
In what year was the ffa foundation started?
What is represented by the plow in the FFA emblem?
Labor and tillage of the soil, the backbone of agriculture and the hard work that FFA members put into their agricultural endeavors.
The official FFA Colors were adopted in
(For Extra Points, Name the Official Colors)
What are the first two words of every paragraph in the The Creed?
I believe
Who is “Father of the FFA”
Henry Froseclose
In what year was vocational agriculture started?
What year was the FFA Logo Revised
In which year was the official blue corduroy FFA jacket introduced?