The official colors of the FFA are:
National Blue and Corn Gold
When is the 2025 FFA banquet?
March 13 (be there or we will find you)
Who is our current President?
Tyler McDougle
Leather is a byproduct of which livestock animal?
What is the term for a female sheep?
a ewe
What material is the FFA official dress jacket made from?
LC FFA currently has how many members? ( to the nearest 10)
Who are the three current Vice Presidents?
Janelle Sattler, Izzy Hill, and Heidi Garretson.
What is the most common crop grown in Ohio?
What does "too much cover" mean when talking about livestock?
The animal has too much body fat.
The Vice President is stationed by:
the plow
During what years was Miss Bell a member of LC FFA?
Who is our current Secretary?
What percent of the United States population are farmers?
Where is the brisket located on a steer?
What year was the National FFA organization founded?
What year did Mr. Readshaw begin teaching at Liberty Center?
Who is our current News Reporter?
Cheyenne Segura
How many dairy farms are currently in the United States?
What is "parent material" when referring to soil?
the organic matter or base substance
How many members are currently in the FFA organization? (to the nearest 10,000)
945,988 members
What year was the Liberty Center FFA Chapter established?
Who is our current Student Advisor?
How many acres of farm land are there in the United States? ( to the nearest million)
914 million acres
Fill in the blank of the FFA creed: "Achievements won by the present and past generations of ________"