The first to see that Jesus' tomb was empty
Who were the women?
Day that Jesus rose from the dead
What is Easter Sunday?
The re-presentation of the death and Resurrection of Jesus
What is the Mass?
What is "Work of the People"?
Color that means Life and Hope
What is green?
Asked Pilate for Jesus' body following the crucifixion
Who is Joseph of Arimathea?
Number of days after his Resurrection when Jesus ascended into heaven
What is 40 days?
Prophet who had a vision of God seated on the throne surrounded by angels giving glory to God: holy, holy, holy
Who is the prophet Isaiah?
Presides over every Mass
Who is Christ himself, through his ordained priest?
Color that means Fire and Love
What is red?
What Jesus said to the Apostles when he first appeared to them after his death
What is "Peace be with you"?
Jesus instructed the Apostles to not go anywhere until he sent them this
What is the Holy Spirit?
The public worship of God
What is the Sacred Liturgy?
Basic structure of the Mass
Introductory Rites / Liturgy of the Word / Liturgy of the Eucharist / Concluding Rites
Color that means Purity, Joy, and Victory
What is white?
What Jesus did to the Apostles to strengthen them with the Holy Spirit
What is breathed on them?
Book of the Bible that tells us what happened after Jesus' Ascension
What is The Acts of the Apostles?
Two main parts of the Mass
What are the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
Parts (5) of the Introductory Rites
1. Entrance Antiphon (Hymn)
2. Greeting of the People
3. Penitential Rite
4. Gloria
5. Opening Prayer (Collect)
Color that means Sorrow and Penitence
What is purple?
Jesus made this Apostle the first Pope
Who is Peter?
Jesus' Resurrection is a sign of
What is hope that we too will one day rise from the dead just as he did?
Name of the prayer of confession said during the Penitential Rite
What is the Confiteor?
Meaning of Kyrie eleison and Christe eleison
What is "Lord have mercy" and "Christ have mercy"?
Color that means Joy
What is rose?