Cooldowns/Warning Signs
Shared Qualites/Rosebud positivity challenge
Caring Days/Five to one Ratio
Wild Card

What is a foul?

things we do that making the situation worse, and cause others to “foul” back.


What is a warning sign? 

A sign that our body is in need of a cool down, or we might foul


Where are some place we would all like to visit?

The Past, An Island/The Beach, Hawaii(To See Pretty Sights), The Camp, France,  Turkey, India(Taj Majal), Japan, The Great Wall of China, Texas(So Everyone Can Meet Izzy’s Family) Philippines, The Amazon, MawMaw’s House, Drag Racing


What is Caring Days?

A way to make a plan to show one another we care.

What does a ratio mean, and how is it magical?

A mathematic equation, and can ensure positivity is brought into relationship after a negative interaction occurs


Give two examples of when YOU fouled

Any two!


What does it mean to cool down?

Understanding when our body/brain needs to calm down and how we will communicate this, what we will do during this space(coping) as well as how to follow up after space


What is the bud, on the rosebud positivity challenge, give an example

Something we're looking forward to


What is the Five to one ratio?

A mathematic equation, and can ensure positivity is brought into relationship after a negative interaction occurs


What can we say to one another when we need space? 

Adults can tell children to take twenty or time *if* everyone is on the same page. Can also say leave me alone.


Why are fouls weapons? 

because they attack people not problems and can damage and destroy relationships


What happens if we do not cool down?

Fouls occur, tempers rise


What are some goals for our future?

Be More cohesive, Fix Scooter, Keep Things In Order W/O constant Grief, Date our Crush, Outing(Going to Places to do Things that we Can Just Relax and Enjoy), Graduate, Get All A’s, Become Happy


What are things we can do to show we care to one another? 

Hugs and Kisses, Saying “I love you”, Listening, Stop Complaining, Get Off Dad’s Heels, Do Chores on Chart, Keep up with Kitchen, use kinder words, smiley face on meal, tell jokes, and tease one another lightly.


What qualities in other person did we come up with as a family?

Honesty, Silliness, Loyalty, Love, Kindness, Honor, Honesty, Courage, Commitment, Friendliness, Compassion, Empathy, Trustworthiness, Caring, Politeness, Corniness


How does a foul damage the relationship with the person you fouled toward?

The other person will foul back likely, resentment will occur, conflict will escalate


Name one warning sign for yourself, and one for another person?

Jessi Warning Signs: shake, cuss, bite cheek and lip, grit teeth, clench jaw, become quiet, and disassociate

Nick warning signs: face will get red",  pace, and he will have eye contact that will "burn a hole through someone".

Brinick Warning signs: ball fists, bite cheek and lip, become negative/cocky, "check out”, curse, argue

 Kavan Warning Signs: curse, "grimace"(make angry face), and become cocky when aggravated, curse, flip off

Izzy Warning Signs: tone will change, she may curse, and/or "shut down", yell stop, deep gravely voice


Why should we do the rosebud positivity challenge? 

To focus on the positive and solve the negative together


Negativity is like velcro and positivity is like what?

shoe laces, harder to keep tied together and easily undone, unlike Velcro.


What is the rose in the rosebud positivity challenge? 

Something positive that happened this week


Why should we recognize our own fouls?

To take responsibility for our actions and help us to avoid fouling in the future


What can you do to take space? What can you do to take space? What about the other party?

Jessi- Activity(usually alone): talk to cousin, make plan for purpose, listen to audible or read kindle, rage clean, recipe writing

Nick- Activity(alone): walk, headphones, gym, cooking, positive thinking, set alarm(for self care), stretching

Brinick- Activity(alone or with dad): read, sit in room, watch tv, think about fishing, go outside and work on fort

Kavan-Activity(alone or with friends): run laps, listen to music, scream into pillow, talking to friends, sleep, ride bike

Izzy- Activity(usually alone):  washing face and back, talk to Audrina, listen to music, go outside


What was the purpose of the shared qualities activity? 

To see how much we have in common, even when we're upset


What are five actions we can show after a negative interaction? I'll settle for three!

Use your cheat sheet!


Why is it important to make a plan for caring days?

To ensure it actually happens
