who a doodle
who is the most evil in the episodes
who is mr stickman
how does bob come back
he comes out of his grave
when does mr stickman evil era started
from bob evilness in november 30 1996
when was super saiyen alex introduced
episode 1
who is the 2 spiders in fg vs da
bob and dave
who is the deadliest fg vs da character
who is animator (bobs cousin)
how did bob die in trob 1
is mr stickman pure evil or broken in fgvsda in the books
in the books he is broken but in the episodes hes pure evil
were/when does fgvsda take place
canada very late 2016 to 2018
who shows up in fgvsda 1 and then dissapers for like 5 eps
who is ben
who has the most killing spree in the fg vs da lore
bob (over 20M+ people died from him)
how did bob return in trob 2
destoying hell
is ben lazy in the books
yes he was active in the 1st book but he got drunk in the book 2 3 and 4
who is fishmoons and alex best friend
Abdu Ali
who created king virus
who is mr stickman
who is the broken character in the episodes
who is king virus
he got burnt in lava
is the books same as the episodes
kind of
the only 3 girls in fg vs da
virus kid left stalker and fishmoons sister
who is the first character in fg vs da
who is fishmoon gaming
who is the newest character in fg vs da episodes
mr lyon (the creator of the stalkers/mrstickman brother)
how did bob turn evil again in trob 3
his triple square virus came back to him
when was the books made
what did mr stickman crashed into in the books
south tower before 9/11