He was burned at the stake for his beliefs
Who is Abinadi?
Date the LDS church was organized
What is April 6, 1830?
Joseph's question leading to the first vision
What is which church should he join?
Sixth book in the New Testament
What is Romans?
This LDS cinema references an eight cow wife
What is the Johnny Lingo?
He cut off the arms of some Bandits
Who is Ammon?
Where was Joseph Smith baptized?
What is Susquehanna River, PA?
Scripture reference for Lehi's vision of the Tree of life
What is 1st Nephi chapter 8?
This LDS cinema follows the experiences of Elder Rogers and Elder Calhoun while on their mission in the Netherlands.
What is "The Best Two Years"?
Last Jaredite left alive after all of their wars
Who is Coriantumr?
Name the eighth prophet of LDS church
Who is George Albert Smith?
This singer has had songs appear in Baptists at our Barbecue, Charly, Church Ball, and did an Africanized tribal version of the popular song "Let It Go"
Who is Alex Boye?
When he was ten years old, this boy was visited by the prophet Ammaron.
Who is Mormon?
LDS church was organized here
What is Peter Whitmer's home in Fayette, NY?
Name of the Brother of Jared
What is Mahonri Moriancumer?
This LDS cinema is about a girl that did no wrong- fell in love with ex missionary and converted but died with pancreas cancer
What is Charly?
King that came after Noah
Who is Limhi?
Smallest temple (by square foot)
What is the Colonia Juárez Chihuahua Mexico Temple? (6,800 square feet)
Who is Yongsung Kim?