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"First, your life will be better. Second, God will ues you to make the lives of others better." Pres. Uchtdorf
What are two reasons why we should turn to the Lord?
Opposite of humility, which is a “willingness to submit to the will of the Lord.” Gary E. Stevenson
What is prideful?
Found in focusing on our Savior, Jesus Christ, and living the gospel as demonstrated and taught by Him. Jean B Bingham RS General President
What is Lasting Joy?
This is the most important trek of our lives, and it continues each day, each week, each month, and each year as we increase our faith in Him and in His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. M Russell Ballard
What is "a trek back to our Heavenly Father"?
Be righteous. …be articulate. … be different. …be distinct. … And finally, do so in happy ways. Sharon Eubank First Counselor RS General Presidency
What is how to Turn on Your Light?
When we are distracted or because we are looking for ambitious ways to change the world..we don’t see that some of the most significant needs we can meet are within our own families, our friends, our wards, and our communities. Bonnie L. Oscarson, YW Gen. President
What is The Need before Us?
...path back to a perfect brightness of hope and a winning life. Stephen W Owen , YM General President
What is repentance?
“a beneficial event brought about through divine power that mortals do not understand” Donald L Hallstorm of the Seventy
What is A Miracle?
The Book of Mormon is not only the keystone of our religion, but it can also become the keystone in this. Tad R Callister Sunday School General President
What is our testimonies?
Through this we earn the trust of the Lord. Richard J Maynes of the Seventy
What is integrity of heart?
It has been the basis for church teaching and practice for the last 22 years. Dallin H Oaks
What is The Family: A Proclamation to the World?
Here are found the truths that have the power to heal, comfort, restore, succor, strengthen, console, and cheer our souls. Russell M Nelson
What is The Book of Mormon?
A sacred time and a sacred space specifically set apart for worshipping God and for receiving and remembering His exceeding great and precious promises to His children. …David A Bednar
What are The Sabbath day and the temple?
Things that we do collectively as we enter a meetinghouse to worship as a group help create a strong sense of oneness within the congregation but this really determines, solidifies, or destroys our unity. Joni L Koch of the Seventy
What is how we act when we are apart from our fellow Church members. …?
Our sins and pride create a breach—or gap—between us and the font of all love. Neill F Marriott Second Counselor YW General Presidency
Who is our Heavenly Father?
Focus on others, discover and develop spiritual gifts, make use of adversity and rely on God. John C. Pingree Jr of the Seventy.
What is how we come to understand the work God has for us?
You have this by enduring hardship, persecution, and rejection; by bearing burdens of many kinds; by knowing the light of truth and giving anything to embrace that truth; by helping others to see that same light and finally, by a willingness to give all for building up the kingdom of God on the earth. O Vincent Haleck of the Seventy
What is Heart of the Widow?
There will be times in our lives when we find ourselves on an unexpected path. … often out of our control, that alter the life we had planned or hoped for? …We do have control over this. Bishop W. Christofer Waddell Second Counselor in Presiding Bishopric
What is How we Respond?
Makes us stronger, humbles us, and gives us a chance to prove ourselves. Stanley G Ellis Emeritus of the Seventy
What are hard things?
By seeing these The Lord sees His servants perfectly. Henry B Eyring
What are their potential and their future?
....message of hope, happiness and joy. The pathway that leds us home. President Uchtdorf
What is The Gospel?
The Lord is in the small details of our lives, and those incidents and opportunities are to prepare us to lift our families and others as we build the kingdom of God on earth. …Ronald A Rasband
What is Random Chance?
We must look past the easy assumptions and stereotypes and widen the tiny lens of our own experience. …We must use these to look beyond what we see. W Craig Zwick Emeritus of the Seventy
What are the eyes of the Savior?
The considerations the Lord would have before us now and in the months ahead. Neil L Andersen
What are the teachings of General Conference?
These are the three sisters. President Uchtdorf
Who are the Victim, the Hater and the Authentic Disciple of Christ?